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    This is her man
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    My Parsonii chillin
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    Bug Buffet

    Thank you to everyone who has purchased our Bug buffet. To all our many return customers we almost never run out so don't worry :) To those who haven't tried it your bugs and chameleons are missing out. Thanks again Steve
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    Rare species hatching!

    Very well done sir! Quite an accomplishment :)
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    New incubator

    You will find the 11 inch flexwatt will help keep a steady temp. I afraid that what you are using is to small but I have never tried it with that size so I hope I'm wrong. Good luck
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    Non receptive colors

    I'm sorry this post ended up here it was supposed to go into general photography. I haven't been posting much due to the fact I'm so tech challenged and haven't figured out how to use tap a talk after it was changed. Please can a mod move this post for me Thank you Steve
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    Non receptive colors

    Pictures of Furcifer Minor
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    Bug Buffet

    We have a new fresh batch available and have even added a few new ingredients,it's better then ever :)
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    Male Acuminatus Pics

    Still looking very good!!!! I'm about to bring in the last of these I fear as they went on red list and I don't expect them to be available much longer. I'm very happy we got as many as we did into this country as I think we have enough here now to have a chance at getting them established...
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    The Concerns About the Recent Cameroon Imports

    Sorry and no offense is intended but..... !!!!!!!!!!! It is THE IMPORTERS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THEY GET QUALITY ANIMALS..... That's it end of story!!!!!!!! This is not meant to be in any way about this peticular import but just a general statement. If a importer has to hold animals until...
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    Dome lamp too hot?

    You can also buy a Lutron lamp dimmer at lowes that makes it very easy to adjust temp without having to move the fixture. They cost about $15.00 and work fantastic,I have them on most of my enclosures.
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    Exciting Baby Pygmy News!!

    Yes these are mine,I promised them to a good friend. Thanks everyone for the nice comments. They were approximately 1/2 inch at birth and are so small if they are not basking it takes forever just to find them. :D
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    Exciting Baby Pygmy News!!

    I haven't been on the forums much lately because there is just to much going on with the Chameleons around here!! Excited to share with you all some CB rampholeon accuminatus that are just a few days old!
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    are there "two" kinds of Jax X ? a big, and a little ?

    Jackson's I recently had a chance to import some from Africa. These were HUGE like twice the size of the ones I commonly see here in the US. Due to the high cost I was unable to find any interest in them. I don't have the space to keep them or I would have gotten some just to introduce these...
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    Bradypodion pumilum

    Brady's Carl yes the chance is coming up. :D Rango, send me an email to [email protected] and I will send you a care sheet. Steve
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    Bug Buffet

    Bug Buffet dry gut load available only from Chameleon Addiction. This is my own recipe and I have used it for the last 2 + years. There are many people on this forum using it from individual keepers to professional breeders. Chances are you know someone who is using it. I use only the...
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    Bradypodion thamnobates

    Brady's If I didn't send you the detailed care info just send me a email and I will get it out right away for you. Steve Ps I will bring in several new species of these this year so stay tuned :D
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    Meru's, Quad and Johnstonii

    Meru etc Craig ALL of your chams look fantastic. I to am sorry to hear about the lack of interest and as you mentioned they have been hard to get captive or wc. I have seen the same decline in interest in the Jacksoni. As you know I've been working with them for the past 3 years or so and will...
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    26 Chameleons stolen from Kissimmee FL

    Theft and posting I have been hesitant to post on this thread as it hits so close to home. Let me start by saying how sorry I am ( for you and these magnificent chameleons ) on so many levels I can't begin to verbalize my feelings. This should be a wake up call to EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM. I...
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    CBB Bradypodion thamnobates available for Sale!!

    A quick bump his evening folks as this shipment of CBB Bradypodion are quickly selling out. If you have any interest, please get with us ASAP at the contact information above. Thanks!!
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