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  1. S

    Masoala import!

    But they are soooooo nice it hurt just to see Bobby go away with his pairs this am. :(
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    Masoala import!

    I thought I could sleep NOT. Then I thought well when I do go to sleep I will sleep late NOT. Lol to excited with all these new chams. UP DATE!!! IM KEEPING THEM ALL AND YOU CANT HAVE ANY!!!!!:eek::D;) Just kidding :~)
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    Masoala import!

    Hey everyone,ALL the baby's look fantastic and are drinking well. They were packed perfectly and you will all be very happy with them. I am exhausted and heading for bed soon. I will contact everyone this weekend to finalize shipping but most of you already know your ship dates. Thank you to...
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    Masoala import!

    Your acting like you got 4 pair in this box, what are you worried about.......:D Btw, they are in the backseat, and Bobby is cuddling the box.......hmmmm....
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    Masoala import!

    Damn, they are looking to take me out already! Lisa, better come quick this weekend, they will be leaving Monday and Tuesday!
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    Masoala import!

    This is Bobby, I killed Steve, stole his IPad, and am now waiting on the panthers.....
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    I will be taking pictures and sending them to Jason as I un pack the crate and he will be posting them soooooooo Stay tuned :)
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    Lol yes EVERYBODY does :rolleyes:
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    Masoala import!

    And you are very lucky :D
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    Thank you both,I will be posting as they come out of the crate late tonight :D
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    Masoala import!

    Nana nana nana I get to see them first :D;)
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    Masoala import!

    Lol,I posted them first :~)
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    Two Picts of Masoala headed this way
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    trioceros hoehnelii, Kenya Locale, For Sale

    Thank you all for the great response on these animals!! Many have been sold already, especially females, so if you are interested, please get with me. Thanks!!
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    My guys outside all day...

    Hi Lisa All your guys look fantastic!!! Ragnar is coming on strong with some very nice color.... You did good :D
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    trioceros hoehnelii, Kenya Locale, For Sale

    For all of you who love this species, here are some 'pretty Hoe's' finally available in the US! For Sale is trioceros hoehnelii from Kenya. Although the species as a whole is not uncommon, the ones out of Kenya are and we are excited to make them available here in the US. The coloration is...
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    trioceros jacksonii jacksonii from Kenya For Sale

    Available for the first time in many years, trioceros jacksonii jacksonii from Kenya!! t. jacksonii jacksonii are one of the three subspecies of the 'Jacksons' chameleons along side the normal and common 'Xanth' and less common 'Mt. Meru' subspecies. That being said, historically they are...
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    You know you are ADDICTED when

    Jeremy WOW now that's a question I could spend hours on in fantasyland :D In answering your question and as a ( day dream or fantasy ) it would be easier to mention the ones I didn't think about lol. That said however as I was walking through these gardens I would look at areas and the type...
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    You know you are ADDICTED when

    I must admit I had that exact thought cross my mind :o
  20. S

    Parsonii babies hatching

    Absolutely fantastic looking adults and baby's. I also really like your cage racks a lot. Please keep posting as the baby's grow and more pictures of your racks please :)
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