well they are two unrelated nosy falys they both look great and the male has amazing red splashes all over very nice breeder pair of falys so im going to get a waiting list if any one would like to buy some
she's gravid as of this second, but the parents are kept in two seperate 13'x16' green houses with madagascan flora and ecozone climate controllers and i believe they are some of the best lookin pair of parsons ive seen! what would be a reasonable price for juveniles? $1000?
i have a breeding pair of parsons and i was wondering if (when old enough) i could sell the juveniles or would (not get stuck with) but have to care long term for the babies, or are there people buying parsons?
my 7 month old male veiled chameleon is doing somthing weird, he is climbing on the sides of his cage and runs around the bottom and presses his nose against the screen, is this norm?
!ATTENTION TEXAS INHABITANCE!, Arlington or Austin Texas reptile show
hey i was wondering if ne one knew if either the arlington show or the austin show was better:confused: i cant go to both:(