:confused:i have 1, 20 gallon long, and 3 10 gallon and a 5 gallon what should i get to put in them. im thinking 3 pac man frogs for the 10's, a baby ball python for the 20, and feeders for the 5 but i was just wondering if ne one would suggest n e other reptiles
No see thats what i mean i kept this gecko for about three days and fed it fruit flies and i tested the geckos poop besides it was an introduced species and has no local parasites thatts why there is an over abundance
My uncle had a kit and he raises chams, but "he said alot of people gripin at me on here are ingnorant cause they did not know the situation yet assumed position to critisize me", but he wouldnt recomend me feed him another till he's older
i took a fecal test on the geckos poop and looked up the species and im safe it is an exotic mediterranean gecko and the only parasites of the exotic species are localized in southern lousiana and the fecal test is clean so the people who freaked out over parasites you don't need to be pissed i...
sure they eat insects most of the time and he may be young but it was a small, clean gecko. its not like he didnt want it and i know he loved the hunt, and in hawaii with there veiled prob. they eat freakn birds!, so if you think that it was angainst "animal policy" to feed him what chams eat in...
for his enjoyment and for food variety and they eats other lizards in the wild there is nothing wrong in my opinion one's being consumed for anothers well being
hey i got some pics of my little shy bubby eating his first gecko, and he's only five months!!!:eek:
i took a fecal test on the geckos poop and looked up the species and im safe it is an exotic mediterranean gecko and the only parasites of the exotic species are localized in southern...
first of all, blood is one of the last things that freezes(for it has a natural anti-freeze in the blood known in both reptiles and more dominately amphibians), and cold blooded animals become slugish not having the ability to retract heat to there inner body( taking the blood from the limbs of...
only if they have deformities i have 6 leopards and im not even sure then when mine are born wrong i put them in a bag and freeze them because freezing them puts them to sleep pretty quick cause they are reptiles
yeah as long as the body is not wider than ur chams head and house geckos are deathly sensitive to pesticide so you don't need to worry about what it ate just keep the gecko for at least 8 hours before feeding, so if a bug they did eat had poison in it the gecko would pass on.