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  1. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

    he said he got his for around six-hundred :confused:but ill update when he gets more or hatches a clutch
  2. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

    na, he still in shipment
  3. FiReBaNaNa

    New Import

  4. FiReBaNaNa

    Ghann's Cricket Farm

    thank you sincerely
  5. FiReBaNaNa

    why are there chamaleo jacksonii in hawaii?

    thanx but so where the veileds and they are a pest to the island(s).
  6. FiReBaNaNa

    why are there chamaleo jacksonii in hawaii?

    just wondering why there are jackson native to hawii cause africas thousands of miles away
  7. FiReBaNaNa

    Advice, please & thanx

    1 but plan on becoming a breeder soon
  8. FiReBaNaNa

    Peppers in gutload?

    is pico de gallo really hot? maybe its just cuz i live TEHAS
  9. FiReBaNaNa

    New Cham

    hell yea, its also swahili for friend soooooooooooooooo, yea thanx
  10. FiReBaNaNa

    Advice, please & thanx

    i know that theres been alot of discussions about this but how much do u peoples agree on the Mist King? and should i get one?:confused:
  11. FiReBaNaNa

    Foggers and Waterfalls

    i mist heavily in the morning and evening, and i have a humidifier next to his cage, its a cool mist system so its not piping hot and he loves it, i can get the humidity up to 95% and as the other guys said, the fogger is ok, but not a waterfall, those are for like dart frogs and water dragons.
  12. FiReBaNaNa

    New Cham

    his name is rafikki, he is a 4 month old veiled and i got him two weeks ago.
  13. FiReBaNaNa

    How do you start

    I would relly love some advice from some experienced cham owners on how to start hand feeding and handling! Thank you
  14. FiReBaNaNa

    Whats your Chameleons name?

    Rafikki, its swahili for friend
  15. FiReBaNaNa

    chameleons skin reflects uv light

    Wow thank you thats is a concept i can research for my final in my herpotology class true or not
  16. FiReBaNaNa

    stressed baby

    :confused:Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - a veiled, male, about 3.5 months. i have had him about a week, i wouldn't be this conserned but he is always dark never a brighter color!!! Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? never Feeding - crickets and mealworms im getting a order...
  17. FiReBaNaNa

    What other pets do you guys own?

    hell yeah i love animals infact im studying to be a field herpotologist
  18. FiReBaNaNa

    Registering your Chameleon?

    Yea Yea but y dont the chameleon owners as a whole and have like a AKC but with the chams and not just stop with just panthers but all species like carpets, jackson, and veiled because these beautiful creatures should be shared. Personally
  19. FiReBaNaNa

    Help IDK

    Yeah ive got him a really nice git up i guess ill put him in another room for about a week and does humidity make them stressed because i have yet to get the target humidity
  20. FiReBaNaNa

    Help IDK

    Hes about 3.5 months old and ive had him for about four days
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