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  1. ChamyLove

    Comment by 'ChamyLove' in 'Finally! success with Smidget!! Learned something new'

    This helped me so much! I've been trying to tame my chameleon for quite a while. he is 7 months also, not quite in that condition, but defiantly doesn't want anything to do with me. I think I'll try this!! I've been preparing to set up a free range. How long did you wait until you gave him the...
  2. ChamyLove

    Just saying Hi :)

    Hi there!! Just something I've found with the orchid bark, is that it doesn't really "hold" water, but lets the water just sit at the bottom of the enclosure. If your are going to use substrate, I recommend coconut soil. When I first got my chameleon, I used it. and it worked well at holding...
  3. ChamyLove

    I feel SO bad.

    So today as usual, I went in at 2:45 (usually 2:30, but I wanted to finish eating lunch), and tried to hand feed (not so) little Oliver. He seemed REALLY interested in the worm I was holding, so I held it there a little longer than usual (about 6-7 minutes). He just kept staring at it so I...
  4. ChamyLove

    I feel SO bad. :(

    So today as usual, I went in at 2:45 (usually 2:30, but I wanted to finish eating lunch), and tried to hand feed (not so) little Oliver. He seemed REALLY interested in the worm I was holding, so I held it there a little longer than usual (about 6-7 minutes). He just kept staring at it so I...
  5. ChamyLove

    Maynard the Melleri

    That is so funny!! I LOVE melleri! As I get more experienced with chameleons, I'm positive I'll get one! Just a quick question, would you say free ranging your chameleon made him more confident/ friendly? :D
  6. ChamyLove

    Shedding Question.

    I remember the first time my cham shed, I knew he was going to soon, because his skin was getting pretty pale looking, and I walked in one day and got so scared when I looked at him,his face was shedding first, and it looked like it was falling off! After I figured out he was shedding, it became...
  7. ChamyLove

    misting system

    This is my favorite one that I've found so far. Hope it helps. :)
  8. ChamyLove

    Enclosure Help Needed!!

    I've been looking for a stand also. When I saw this post I looked, and found this one: Reviews are great. Says it holds up to 150 pounds.:rolleyes: That is enough right?:confused:
  9. ChamyLove

    ChamyLove's Blog

  10. ChamyLove

    Socializing Oliver

    Oliver seems much less afraid lately! I've been using some advice given here on the forums, and now he doesnt seem so afraid of me. In the past, whenever I would open his cage door, Oliver would cower and find some place to hide. I would walk in to look at him, and he would stop what he was...
  11. ChamyLove

    some nice pictures....

    What kind of plant is that? Is it chameleon safe? So pretty. I would love to have some kind of flowery plant in my chameleon's home. :D
  12. ChamyLove

    Health problems, my chameleon wont eat

    IAs for him falling and throwing up, I would say take him to a good herp vet. as for his set up, it's usually recommended that you don't keep chameleons is aquariums, but open air terrariums. make sure to reference a chameleon care sheet, that will guide you. Another thing about the glass is...
  13. ChamyLove

    How do I feeder cup train my guy?

    I was looking in to it more, and they should. They are attatched with 2 magnets on the actual rock thing, then the other 2 magnets attatch outside the enclosure. Here is a link for a similar product:
  14. ChamyLove

    4 months old male sambava/ ambilobe panther chameleon

    At 4 months, you are probably feeding him just fine. When I bought me chameleon (Kammeflage) they sent an age:meal guide. I fed him 10 1/4" crickets. so you should be just fine. I would reccomend going on their website and finding their care guide, or even some members post care guides on the...
  15. ChamyLove

    Chow time

    Do you feed your chameleons twice a day? I'm still pretty new to chameleons (I've had mine 2 months), and I'm still trying to figure out what's best. Usually I just put in his daily crickets and eat throughout the day. A:confused:re you supposed to feed them smaller amounts twice a day?
  16. ChamyLove

    melleri portrait

    I laughed so hard at this! Too cute.:p
  17. ChamyLove

    What if he won't go back in his cage?

    I was cleaning my cham's cage once and he was in there when I left the door open and went to get some more paper towels, I found him hanging out outside the cage, he wasn't very happy that I was trying to guide him to my hand (I'm kind of in your situation, not very experienced in handling), and...
  18. ChamyLove

    Free range for Rex

    Cute!! Do you bring your cham when you travel? Does he seem to mind? I hope me and my cham can get to that point. :)
  19. ChamyLove

    Can anyone help?

    So Sad :( Honestly I'm not sure why the breeder would even sell babies that small. Almost all of the reputable breeders I found, don't sell them younger than 3 months. I'm so sorry for your situation. I'll pray for your little guy :(
  20. ChamyLove

    enclosure opinions

    I'ts fine that she goes near the window, just make sure she can't get out! :)
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