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  1. ChamyLove

    My Guy :)

    You can try and get him onto a branch. take him far enough away from the cage that they can't climb back in on their own, and eventually he will just crawls all over you (from the stick at first). Once he gets used to that, keep making the stick shorter and shorter. Until he doesn't mind getting...
  2. ChamyLove

    why does he want out?

    He does look too big for the cage. I'm not an expert, so I'm not going to say for sure that is the reason he wants out...
  3. ChamyLove

    Any tips on keeping crickets quiet?

    When I cant handle the chirping in the cricket container, I just tap it. That usually shuts them up for a few minutes. It might be hard to get to him in the cage though without waking your cham..
  4. ChamyLove

    Lethargy, grumpier than usual, not very hungry, HELP

    I don't know this for sure (haven't needed to get it done yet), but i heard from someone on here that it is usually around $25
  5. ChamyLove

    Meet my axolotl. And name help.

    He looks like a Jerry to me:D
  6. ChamyLove

    " URGENT " All your help is needed!!!!!

    I'm under 18 So I'm pretty sure I can't sign it myself, but I'll get my parents to, and try to spread the word!! Thanks for informing us. I would have never known otherwise :o
  7. ChamyLove

    Oliver's Growing Up

    I just noticed :( I changed it to just the links. Sorry for the inconvenience!!
  8. ChamyLove

    Oliver's Growing Up

    Oliver is just under 10 months old now, and he's showing some pretty good color. :) Here is a picture of him Saturday, it was his first time on the free range I built him. :)
  9. ChamyLove

    Eyes and lighting

    Looks fun! :)
  10. ChamyLove

    The new guy, Pete.

    Yep. Signature looks correct. You're not required to have a name, but it adds a little personal touch ;) Oh!! And welcome! :D
  11. ChamyLove

    What do hornworms eat?

    I didnt know that! Thank you. :)
  12. ChamyLove


    Lights stay the same. As for worms, it depends on the kind. Mealworms and wax worms are treats. Phoenix, horn, silk, and sometimes king worms can be fed on a more regular basis. :) Something that might be useful to both you and your cham; keep the humidity up! It helps them shed more...
  13. ChamyLove

    What do hornworms eat?

    Thanks everyone for your replies! I was hoping for something I might have at home, I think I'll use this. Thanks again!
  14. ChamyLove

    What do hornworms eat?

    My question is what can hornworms eat? I bough my first batch about 1 week ago, and they are getting huge!! I'll probably keep a few and let them turn into moths. But what can I feed them to keep them alive? They came with the "Hornworm Chow", and it is almost out...
  15. ChamyLove

    What is he doing?

    I noticed a small fruit fly in his cage, and was able to trap it. For now I'm going to assume that was what was bothering him. I'll update if I see him doing it again though. :o
  16. ChamyLove

    What is he doing?

    So today I've just been hanging out in my room with my panther Oliver. Every once in a while, I'll look over and see him just biting at the air. Earlier he shot his tongue at the screen of the cage, with no bugs to be found. He seems to be getting pretty frustrated and upset... what do you think...
  17. ChamyLove

    Hornworm chrysalis...

    Would a 10 month old panther be able to eat one of the moths? My hornworms are getting really big really fast..
  18. ChamyLove


    I defiantly wouldn't test him :p, but I like to at least offer mine a couple worms (something easy to take out if he doesn't eat them) so if he does decide he's hungry, he can still eat. :)
  19. ChamyLove

    Super Aggressive Veiled, Ideas on Taming/Handling

    I have a panther. He used to try and bite me (never actually did). Just make sure and take it slow. :)
  20. ChamyLove

    Super Aggressive Veiled, Ideas on Taming/Handling

    Something small that I found worked will, was placing a worm (horn worm) in his cage, but not near him and making sure he saw me bring the worm. He started associating my hand with food, even though I wasn't hand feeding. He started hanging out where I would put the worms, and not mind my hand...
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