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  1. ChamyLove

    Mouth infection?

    Thank you!! Should I put a branch or 2 in there so he can grip something?
  2. ChamyLove

    Mouth infection?

    What can I put him in? Would something dark like a box w/ holes and twigs put in be good? Or a plastic Tupperware container w/ holes so he has light? I want to make sure it's as stress-less as possible. His appointment is for 6:30 (right now it's 3:09)
  3. ChamyLove

    Mouth infection?

    Ok thank you. I'll take him to the vet tonight.
  4. ChamyLove

    Mouth infection?

    I circled the spot where the bump is. This is the best pic I could get. :/ sorry
  5. ChamyLove

    Mouth infection?

    THis is my 9 1/2 old panther chameleon. I noticed today this bump on his mouth. I'm willing to take him to the vet if I have to, but I honestly don't have the money, and would rather not risk stressing him out. Please let me know if you think I need to take him to the vet. I already called...
  6. ChamyLove

    proper shedding

    Every chameleon's shed is different. Mine sheds his bulk on the first day, then usually sheds things like his feet and tail tip the next day. He also sheds about every 3-4 weeks. Young chams should be shedding pretty often. :) As your lil cham keeps getting bigger, you might need to start...
  7. ChamyLove

    Your Favorite Camera?

    Hi guys!! I was just wondering what kind of camera you use? Do you like it? Would you recommend it? What do you use it for? Cost? I've been looking for a nice camera for a while, and I was just wondering what you guys would recommend? :D
  8. ChamyLove

    Starting to get worried..

    Will do! I have a partial free range set up a few feet away from his cage and in front of a window. I'll try and get him onto that tomorrow. If not I'll try flash. Right now though, his colors really are just a light baby blue, and since he was upset with me his accents were dark... He really...
  9. ChamyLove

    Starting to get worried..

    He doesn't let me hold him. I've tried hand feeding to introduce him to me, but he has never been interested. I've held worms in my hand for 10+ minutes and nothing. Would it help if I took a picture of him next to a ruler or tape measure for sizing? Or is it the lighting you are worried...
  10. ChamyLove

    Starting to get worried..

    Yep. calcium w/out d3 everyday, w/ d3, and herptivite 2x per month. Crickets gutloaded w/ flukers dry cricket food with added calcium, and flukers cricket water with added calcium.
  11. ChamyLove

    Starting to get worried..

    the cage he is in right now is 18x18x36. The stick he is on goes all the way across the cage. Maybe that info will help with sizing.
  12. ChamyLove

    Starting to get worried..

    He started getting fed up with my phone being in his cage...
  13. ChamyLove

    Starting to get worried..

    So I've had my chameleon almost 5 months now, and he is about 9 1/2 months old. I've seen so many pictures of Panthers much younger, but still quite a bit larger and colorful. Oliver is about 8-9 inches long, and while I see him getting more and more color, it is still minimal. I feed him 9...
  14. ChamyLove

    Feeder bowl

    Sometimes what I like to do, is move the bowl around (but off the ground). Usually it is in the middle of his tree, so sometimes I'll put it under a different branch, vine, etc. Then, he still has to look for his food every once in a while. I'f you're really worried about hunting, I also free...
  15. ChamyLove

    Someone said FEMALES can LAY EGGS without mating

    It's true. The eggs just wont be fertilized (meaning no babies). If you have a female make sure you have a proper laying bin, or else they can become egg bound.
  16. ChamyLove

    How did you come up with a name for your CHAM?

    (This is going to sound really silly...) About a week before I got my first cham, I was just laying in bed thinking about the past.. and all of the sudden I was on the topic of Hannah Montana. Then next thing I know, I'm thinking about how great the name Oliver would be for my chameleon.
  17. ChamyLove

    Hibiscus plant problems..Ants and mold

    I had an ant problem a few months ago, and what I did was take the plant out of the pot, then rinse the entire stem-root area, and change the dirt. I haven't seen them since. :)
  18. ChamyLove

    Holy Poop!

    Ok thanks! I'll defiantly cut back!
  19. ChamyLove

    24x24x48 is it filled enough?

    Kind of what rcdrivertim said, just create lots of chameleon "highways" :D
  20. ChamyLove

    Holy Poop!

    So the last couple days, my chameleon has been a little cranky. I couldn't figure out why, because I hadn't really changed anything in his routine. A few minutes ago, I walked into my room and saw this! Thinking more, about a week and a half ago, I started feeding him superworms (because he...
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