more trolling /some thoughts on cricks/nutritional study
sure that is what most people use for a staple is cricks imo, improperly balanced/gutloaded/and usually over dusted.
montanes are metabolically sensitive, which means they dont deal well with severe or long term imbalances. imo...
in most cases staining is not required or necessary, but in can improve view for photography or other purposes.
imo epsom salts can work fine, but you need to check the specific gravity (using a hydrometer) of your final solution just prior to the float (needs to be a specific gravity of...
d3 wild card
imo, the wild card in all of this is the d3. its likely that he got too much at the petstore but thats just an assumption, and from your current info, not possible to figure his current d3, if any.
too little or too much d3 has the potential to rapidly become a very serious issue...
some suggestions pt 2.
Humidity - 60-70 60 imo, if accurate, this is an excellent range, how do you measure your humidity? that being said, imo, daytime hydration is far more important than humidity.
Plants - fake plants and real imo, all that is required is one large $15 schleffera that...
some suggestions pt 1.
pt1. i have a 5month old jackson chameleon I bought it for my hubby for Fathers day and he was doing great then weeks past by and we notice he wast eating so we got reptaid and force fed him and he was back to his normal self problem i think he got use to having us to...
imo, no nite heat of any kind unless its an outdoor cham subject to temps below 50* healthy xanths are perfectly ok with nite temps into the 50's. its desireable to acheive about a 12* drop in nite temps from daytime lower cage temps. imo no misting within 2 hrs of lights out. imo, daytime...
i wish i had noticed this earlier. have you already bought this scope?
i have had a fair amount of experience with amscope. personally, if thats the specific scope you are set on, i would recommend getting it in 1600x. reason; typical cham pathology never requires over 600x. cheaper scopes...
sexing neonates.
admittedly they can be deceptive at that age. but based on the steepness of the occular area, im guessing it's a male, you will know for sure in less than 2 weeks. jmo
6500k clarification
in terms of cham/plant lighting, kelvin refers to the color temperature (spectrum) of the bulb, ind isnt necessarrily an acurate indicator of how much thermal out put (heat) the bulb will produce.
reptisuns dont have a very good spectrum for plant health, so generally you...
more trolling
it can be an impossible thing to figure out what went wrong after the fact.
its always heartbreaking to lose a cham , but imo there are some things that can be learned from it.
not trying to be harsh just trying to put it in straight forward terms.
1. jacksons are...
power struggle, xanthoman is a terrible video editor
LOL, i ripped it from a jeb corliss wingsuit vid (grounded, the table mtn crash). i had to put some sound over it, cause when i shot it, i used my phone, and didnt realize i was also recording my hugeness heavy breathing, (had my head right...
another mantis vid from this years hatch. this one is of the actual hatch. you might want to turn the volume down some, my audio/video editing skills suck. taken with 5.0mp android, music is power struggle by sunna.
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
4-5 months in a 5gallong glas tank with just a waterdish and a air stone and poor verry poor uvb light and barly any basking light at all the light in there was verry little and he...
my thoughts, just calling it like i see it.
1. the purpose of the reptisun is not to heat. reptisun 10.0 not recommended. the only purpose of the reptisun is to provide uvb for vitamin d3 synthesis.
5.0 is a proven montane bulb, 10.0 has proven to be problematic for some chams and or keepers...
its hard to give any meaningful advice without the help form in its entirety imo, hes too young to supplement with anything other than plain cal. hopefully you are not also giving him d3 if he is getting outside sun
but if you want an evaluation thats complete enough to be meaningful, you will...
xanths, j jacksonii, and willegensis come from mt kenya in kenya ( but all 3 as well as merus, are subject to being farm raised in tz). merus come from mt meru in tanzania. most xanths in the pet trade come from hawaii.
there is now some scientific debate as to whether willegensis is actually...
they dont let in any non-native species that are not already firmly entrenched. red eared sliders are already firmly entrenched in the islands with no hope of eradication and have been for some time. there is no known existing populations of mata mata in the islands so that is why they are not...
kenya is steadfastly closed to all cites exports farmed or otherwise. neighboring tanzania has an unstable export policy and exports a limited # of f1 farm raised cites exports. Mountain Bird and Trophy is probably the most prolific exporter of legal f1 chams. as a wild guess, i would say that...
if an animal has been over supplemented no amount of further supplementation will improve the problem, no matter how little. an animal that has been over supped already has more supps than its system can process, adding to that in any qty, only makes the problem worse, and only prevents any...