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  1. xanthoman

    Jacksons not growing

    imo, i would get a $20 digital scale tht goes from 0-500, in tenth gram increments, and has a self tare feature so you dont have to include the weight of the container (ive found a small brown lunch sack works good). imo i would weigh at least bi-weekly and keep a journal. an appropriate scale...
  2. xanthoman

    celestron/ xantho fail

    i wont be $ able to spring for the t580a until the $ cash is processed for return, which could take as long as july 7. so after 2 mths of research and almost 2 months on backorder (op said it would be 2 weeks.), i still dont have my microscope. the thing that chaps me the most is i knew in my...
  3. xanthoman

    celestron/ xantho fail

    this is going to be a sort of review of the recently acquired celestron pentaview 44348 photomicroscopy microscope. which i had hoped to make the eye of xantho. i wont be doing a full blown review because,, and it kills me to admit this, the celestron 44348 pentaview is not all its cracked up to...
  4. xanthoman

    Help! My Female Jackson is pregnant!

    imo, it would be a really good time to fill out the help form in its entirety. in the meantime i would drop your uva basking temps to below 80*
  5. xanthoman

    Is this a parasite or a worm from the garden?

    ditto, imo, (post#1) not pathogenic
  6. xanthoman

    Mysterious Jacksons chameleon death?

    clarification correct in part. i didnt mention the uvb issue because one, there was no actual specific help form included and 2 imo, the bottom line is there are dozens of issues it could have been, that will likely never be pinpointed. imo, its pointless to try to figure out what went wrong...
  7. xanthoman

    Mysterious Jacksons chameleon death?

    again with the mystery, the hard truth. we see this all the time, but imo, its not a mystery. the hard truth is, it died, because you didnt know how to take care of it. thats the bottom line. not trying to harsh on your stuff, its good that you are trying to figure out what went wrong. but...
  8. xanthoman

    Feeding at random times in the day...

    i dont think its a huge issue but i agree with ss. imo captive chams dont have the same metabolism, mindset or perfect environment that a wild cham does. imo, a wild cham has a higher metabolism and is likely more easily distracted from food. cham digestion is dependent upon temps, and...
  9. xanthoman

    I Feel All Alone

    imo, that would be a real loss if kinyonga wasnt able to post. i also think its sort of a loss that aja never posts anymore. i was at her house a couple of times and she has a personal collection that imo, punked the pnw herp show jmo but i can certainly understand getting burnt out on the...
  10. xanthoman

    imo, wingsuit challenge best free game ever !

    if there are any members that are into skydiving, basejumping, or wingsuit proximity flying, or just gaming, wingsuit challenge can be found here; online game no installation required there is also a newer version at vostopia (the writers of the game) but...
  11. xanthoman

    Happy Birthday Cainschams

    happy bday cainschams happy bday to cainschams
  12. xanthoman

    Meru jackson breeding projects.

    lol, i had a korean girlfriend once, she was smokin hot, but slightly crazy, and definitely treacherous. imo, us taxes are a cake walk compared to exporting a cites listed reptile. you can go online and get rattlesnakes, gaboon vipers, black mambas, anacondas, venemous spiders, giant goliath...
  13. xanthoman

    Need help with my 8 week old Jackson Chameleon

    dont know what your setup is . you would likely get the best help by filling out the help form in the health clinic an submitting your post there. once the help form is filled out and posted then other members can advise you of changes without guessing or starting from scratch. couple of quick...
  14. xanthoman

    Meru jackson breeding projects.

    screw things up, thats what we do best. thats why imo, the world hates us and most of us, hate the govt. if you didnt read the whole post, it may behoove you to finish it, there could be a unlikely, but possible solution, its a long shot, but imo worth a try since she is in canada and not...
  15. xanthoman

    Meru jackson breeding projects.

    cham exportation, not as easy as one might think ! not to rain on the parade but i have been down this road before and imo you will not likely get chams from the us to korea. chams are controlled by an internatiomnal trade agreement known as cites. imo...
  16. xanthoman

    live wild ff @ 150x

    this things almost more fun than the pentaview, i cant stop playing around with it. not sure im quite ready to recommend it as a pathology scope, but if somebody's got $50 to burn, i highly recommend it. theres actually some higher x ones for really cheap on ebay, a lot of them are <$20, imo, a...
  17. xanthoman

    live wild ff @ 150x i could have just as easily made it longer, but what would be the point, lol ;)xantho
  18. xanthoman

    Failed Exoterra Incubator Owners!!!!

    brinsea hatchmaker-r jmo, they are pricey, but brinsea makes excellent high quality incubators. imo, if you want to end the incubator struggle once and for all, get a brinsea hatchmaster r and failed clutches due to incubator probs will be a thing of the past. i used to have a custom octagon...
  19. xanthoman

    2 wk L1 tenodera sinensis eats ff @ 100x

    not really sure i know what vids you are talking about? are you talking about youtube suggested vids?, thats not something in have any control over.
  20. xanthoman

    Donahue's weekly inspection/update.

    hes a looker.
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