I haven't posted in ages so i thought I'd introduce you all to the newest member of the family. About 5 years ago i saw my first panther chameleon, owned by my best friend and i was mesmerized by him. It was always a dream of mine owning a panther (keeping in mind that they are quite rare in the...
Hi, congrats on your new chameleon! By the looks of it I'd say you have a male Graceful chameleon. As i understand the care for this species is pretty similar to that of veileds. He looks a bit on the thin side so I'll bet he'll enjoy loads of crickets and roaches :) I hope I've been of some...
I think that would be the minimum size you will want to keep flap necks in. I would go for an enclosure with the dimensions of 60x60x120 if i where you, bigger is always better.
Hi guys an gals, just want to hear if any of you are using Acca sellowiana the pineapple guava plant (formerly called Feijoa sellowiana) in your enclosures and what your thoughts are on it?
The guy posted them on facebook when he thought they were veileds. He is gonna get a huge surprise when she starts to deliver her babies. The pet shop advertised them on one of the classified sites, junkmail i think.