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  1. FSchams

    How does he look ?

    He looks pretty awesome if you ask me! How old is he?
  2. FSchams

    Our Tamatave enclosure...

    Awesome are you South African????
  3. FSchams

    Our Tamatave enclosure...

    Your setup looks awesome! Nice and dense with all the plants and with the extra twigs you plan on adding it will look even better! I think your chameleon will love his enclosure :)
  4. FSchams

    Furcifer bifidus Video

    Oooh okay i see now, i get confused with these two species :confused: lol
  5. FSchams

    Other Reptile Species?

    Besides my chams i have 5 snakes. 4 Corn snakes and a taiwan beauty rat snake
  6. FSchams

    Furcifer bifidus Video

    Amazingly beautyful chameleons!! Are they're common name the minor's chameleon?
  7. FSchams

    sunshine, free range, and my nikon :)

    Your chams are beautiful, and really nice shots! What nikon are you using?
  8. FSchams

    New Pic of Loki

    Wow he looks awesome. My veiled is also 6 months old:)
  9. FSchams

    Almost done? comments/suggestions welcome

    Zant looks awesome, how old is he?
  10. FSchams

    some sweet nosy falys..

    Sweet chams man! Nosy faly is my favourite locale:)
  11. FSchams

    Sam Saying Good Morning

    He sure is a stunner! How old is he?
  12. FSchams

    Exo-Terra Flexarium

    I build my own cages using nylon mesh, they work realy good for me if you can find the heat
resistant type your lights wil not melt thru the mesh. The mesh i used seems to let in enough uv penetration, i only use natural sunlight but im sure a uvb light will also get enough penetration thru the mesh
  13. FSchams

    BEAUTIFUL Wild Bradypodion Damaranum!!:)

    It's a pleasure guys. He really were beautiful :p
  14. FSchams

    BEAUTIFUL Wild Bradypodion Damaranum!!:)

    Hi everyone, i want to wish you all a blessed 2014, i know it's a bit late but better late than never :p While i was on vacation in Knysna i foundthis beautiful young male Knysna Dwarf Chameleon and i just could not let him go before i took a few pictures:D So sad that i cannot keep this...
  15. FSchams

    thinking of Banana roaches - DO IT - a quick vid

    I wish we had those is South Africa:(
  16. FSchams

    PICS of Chief

    He is beautiful i love the red dotts on his side and stomach.
  17. FSchams

    bradypodion species??

    Thanks for the reply Chris:)
  18. FSchams

    bradypodion species??

    My friend found this bradypodion (female i think??) in the limpopo province of SA in pelgrumsrus to be specific. Is (she?) a transvaal dwarf chameleon (bradypodion transvaalense)?
  19. FSchams

    My little guy is 4 months old!

    Anyone else with 4 month old veileds...? I would love to see yours :)
  20. FSchams

    Why Is my chameleon unhappy ? He is brown or gray most of the time

    Your chameleon needs alot more vines to the top of his enclosure and alot more plants, chamelons are arborial so they need hight to their enclosure. That light should be on the out side of the enclosure. Do you have a uvb light?
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