Your setup looks awesome! Nice and dense with all the plants and with the extra twigs you plan on adding it will look even better! I think your chameleon will love his enclosure :)
I build my own cages using nylon mesh, they work realy good for me if you can find the heat resistant type your lights wil not melt thru the mesh. The mesh i used seems to let in enough uv penetration, i only use natural sunlight but im sure a uvb light will also get enough penetration thru the mesh
Hi everyone, i want to wish you all a blessed 2014, i know it's a
bit late but better late than never :p
While i was on vacation in Knysna i foundthis beautiful young male Knysna Dwarf Chameleon and i just could not let him go before i took a few pictures:D
So sad that i cannot keep this...
My friend found this bradypodion (female i think??) in the limpopo province of SA in pelgrumsrus to be specific. Is (she?) a transvaal dwarf chameleon (bradypodion transvaalense)?
Your chameleon needs alot more vines to the top of his enclosure and alot more plants, chamelons are arborial so they need hight to their enclosure. That light should be on the out side of the enclosure. Do you have a uvb light?