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  1. FSchams

    Love me some handling time!

    He is a very handsome boy, i'm glad he is warming up to you:)
  2. FSchams

    Green n Red and more Green

    Thanks norcal55 :) i'll give that a try
  3. FSchams

    Green n Red and more Green

    Please share how you did that.... I have been trying but can't seem to get it right
  4. FSchams

    PVC didn't work out so i got an alternative :)

    Hi Matt thanks, yeah i think it came out all right lol :) No it is surprisingly lightweight. I thought it would be much heavier than it is.
  5. FSchams

    PVC didn't work out so i got an alternative :)

    Hi guys i build a pvc enclosure but it was VERY unstable even after i added more supports. So i decided to ditch the pvc and build my enclosures out of 10mm square bar steel. I wasted about R500 with the failed pvc attempt :eek: The steel plus the mesh and zipper cost me R180 for one...
  6. FSchams

    Is she close to maturity?

    She definitely looks gravid to me, you should get a laying bin ready for her asap. in my experience when they first get the orange stripes and blue/turquoise dots it coincides with them becoming gravid for the first time.
  7. FSchams

    Longest living Chameleon species

    If my info is correct the oustalet's chameleon can live up to 15 years. The longest living cham species i know of is the parson's they can live 15 to 20 years i believe.
  8. FSchams

    It's a Jungle in Here!!

    That looks AWESOME man. I want my enclosure to look like That!!:)
  9. FSchams

    Is it just me, or is this person crazy???

    She sounds like a 'mister know it all'...... It's hard to help people with attitudes like that! i'm actually MAD right now!!!! All i can say is WTF while reading what she said !!! i'm out of words!!
  10. FSchams

    Opinion poll - Rarest Veileds, and most colorful

    Welcome to the forums!!:) I think the transbald veileds are pretty rare, and then there are also translucents. IMO the turquoise veileds are the most stunning of all!
  11. FSchams

    Headshot photo thread

    Here is my veiled:)
  12. FSchams

    So O'jake is like parrot now :D

    He is stunning :), how old is he?
  13. FSchams

    Panther Enclosure Completed :-)

    Looks VERY nice, great job!
  14. FSchams

    Could this be 7 months old???

    Hi Tyrone thanks for the reply. Yeah this guy sounds very suspicious he told me he had 15 veiled chameleons left and he also asked me if i don't whant to buy a flapneck from him. I can also see bruising on cham in the pictures he sent me. I'm not even gona consider buying from him!
  15. FSchams

    Could this be 7 months old???

    Hi everyone i am looking around for a new male veiled chameleon. In South Africa we don't have large breeders like FLchams ect. so it is difficult to find chams here. There are a few private breeders that advertise in our classifieds but some of them are just doing it for the money i think...
  16. FSchams

    PVC Enclosures?

    I am actually in the middle of building a pvc enclosure for my new veiled that i wil be getting in the next couple of weeks. But its not as easy here i South Africa like it is else were in the world as the range of products we have in SA is not..... well i think you get my point... But after i...
  17. FSchams

    Orion enjoying the Oregon sun

    The reds on this guy is amaizing!!! Very nice cham :)
  18. FSchams


    You must be gutloading his food with steroids or something he is massive for 9 weeks old IMO lol :)
  19. FSchams


    He is gorgeous, how old is he?
  20. FSchams

    Gemini: 4 month old Ambanja

    He's got some outstanding colours thats for sure!
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