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  1. FSchams

    feeder cup

    Okay thanks!:)
  2. FSchams

    feeder cup

    What is the best colour for a feeding cup, a clear one or a white one?
  3. FSchams

    unexpected cage babies!!

    This is awesome congrats one the babies. I have a question. You must have gave the plant lots of water during the incubation right? So the water did not cause the eggs to mold or go bad. I always thought the eggs would go bad because of the...
  4. Whats Up There?

    Whats Up There?

    Panther chameleon climbing a vine
  5. FSchams


    That is stil ok if the tems get below 55 you can just get a ceramic heat emiter
  6. FSchams


    Ok, you must take out the red buld and just use a regular 40w house hold buld for basking and there must not be any light on at night
  7. FSchams


    you need some vines and what plant is that are you sure it is on the safe list?
  8. FSchams

    Lokis pj's

    He looks great now but i bet he is going to look amaizing when he is all grown up! Nice cham!
  9. FSchams

    need more plants for my first cham.

    You can also try hibisus and dwarf umbrella they work great in my enclosures and the hibiscus makes nice flowers for you cham to eat
  10. FSchams

    Any South African veiled / panther breeders

    I've been looking for a new pair of veileds for over a month now, and one of my buddy's also want a male veiled for his female. And i am in search of 2 female panthers also. Chams are very hard to come by in SA if you don't have contacts especialy panthers. Is there any breeders in Johannesburg...
  11. FSchams

    Fun in the sun

    Awesome looking veiled!!!
  12. FSchams


    About a 60w and the uvb should be a 5.0. Yes i think he is climbing the screen because his enclosure is to small. Basking temp sounds right
  13. FSchams


    yeah he would like a bigger enclosure and a uvb light is needed. You do have a nice enclosure though
  14. FSchams

    3, 2, 1,

    Awesome pic!!!!! The feeder he was after had no way out lol
  15. FSchams

    Begging to come out!!

    My male veiled charlie fell of his brance and landed on his head he died moments later
  16. FSchams

    m getting scared!!!

    Jou should just leave te tunnels as they are, my veiled just came out of laying an infertile clutch and she spend a WEEK diging her tunnel, i think if you did not cover up her original tunnel se would of layed her eggs alredy
  17. FSchams

    Help!! My cham wont open his eyes

    You need a UVB light also it is very important!!!!
  18. FSchams

    He always wants out

    Have you recently added something new to his enclosure? What is te temp in his enclosure?
  19. FSchams

    My new guy

    You are right he is gonna be gorgeous!!! Keep updating us on his progress!
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