Respectfully. I get on here for advice not lectures. Then after the lecture the rest of the people on just agree and not one person offered what I asked for how to keep my interest WHILE I TAKE ADVICE given and wait till 14 months for introduction. I have moved closer to proper care taking of...
I was very happy that she had her second clutch as I saw the toll my overfeeding had done and will and have cut back her food intake alot. But why wait so long? I'm under the impression they are mature at 6 months. Is this not the case? If so what should I do in the mean time to stay occupied...
two days ago my female VC 8months old, just had her second successful sterile egglay. Shes tried but already eating and drinking with her normal vigor. My male is finally (5-6 months old) at sexual maturity. How long do I wait to let her recover before I introduce them? Also please let me know...
Same problem
My female has eaten large crickets like she will never get another since she was only about half grown. My male is a much more picky eater. He is scared to death of large crickets,so I have to feed him lots of the small. This has went on for as long as I have had him as a baby and...
What temp do crickets usually start dying of cold? I live in the midwest and the temps in the rooms I keep the chams in and the crickets reaches 60 degrees as a low. Since this started the crickets are dying overnight. I know they are cold blooded but come on? 60 degrees? They are feed the same...
Ethan part 2
of me
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? -48x24x24.
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? - zoomed PowerSun heat/UVB
Temperature - What temp range...
Your Chameleon - The species,- VC - sex, -Male -and age of your chameleon. -6months-How long has it been in your care? -5months
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? -Never
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? -crickets silk super wax worms- What amount? 3-5 a day. What is...
I have a 6 month old MVC. 48x24x24 enclosure. Open air. He is at about 95 deg in his basking area. 70 at the low. Sprayed once a day and then a drip. I am having trouble getting him to eat so I have silk worms in there now. If those dont work superworms if they dont work then butter worms. dust...
Food and cage set up with temp and humidity.
It would so me great service to detail out your set up from top to bottom and daily routine followed for long term success. Basically the tried and proved methods u personally wouldn't raise them any different. Thanks in advance
Please folks, everyone give me their methods they have successfully used to get a VC to become a good drinker. My 6 month old MVC is thin and is so scared he chills at the top till someone goes in his room where he is in a 48x24x24 open air with a basking and UVB in one light. He will eat...
1 FVC. 48x24x24. Cage. 160 W UVB/heat lamp.
Drip system and spray daily. She had her 1st cluche 2and a half months ago
With success. She is a healthy eater She seems fine eats and drinks with vigor. but 2 weeks ago started the going to ground again. So I put her in her bucket day 1 no luck...
My male VC is thin and he is not particularly hungry ever. At times he looks like he has wrinkles in his skin then there are times when he doesn't. He's active. But scared of me. Not like my FVC who is fat and not scared at all. Should I be concerned and how do I fatten him up?