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  1. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    Do you know how to tell if they are infertal?
  2. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    I'll try. And what does veiled mean? I don't know a lot about chameleons and things.
  3. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Not sure about the species or sex or are. They didn't tell me at the pet store of your chameleon. He/she has been with me for about a month. Handling - Once everyday sometimes more. Feeding - Crickets. 5-10 a day. He eats around 5 pm. I dust them with calcium...
  4. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    What is the husbandry Q? Sorry I'm new to this.
  5. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    No I don't think he is dehydrated. I was just asking so I can stay on top of things. Make sure he keeps doing well. This is my first chameleon so I worry easily. I don't want anything happening to him.
  6. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    Thank you.
  7. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    How can you tell if a chameleon is dehydrated?
  8. JimmysWife

    How to tell if chameleon is dehydrated?

    How can you tell if a chameleon is dehydrated or needs water?
  9. JimmysWife

    My Chameleon will not eat, what do I do?

    Alright. Thank you all. I'll probably try the super worms first.
  10. JimmysWife

    My Chameleon will not eat, what do I do?

    Do you know any websites?
  11. JimmysWife

    My Chameleon will not eat, what do I do?

    Thank you. I've not had him long so it worried me when I seen he hadn't eaten in a couple days. Where can I get blue bottle flies? I've never heard of them.
  12. JimmysWife

    My Chameleon will not eat, what do I do?

    He's in the process of shedding right now. I can still post pictures though, if you'd like.
  13. JimmysWife

    My Chameleon will not eat, what do I do?

    I have meal worms for my chameleon but he won't eat them. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, could someone give me advice please?
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