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  1. KalaiDaCham

    Somethings happening to my jackson’s chameleon’s feet!!!

    The only supplements i give would be exo terra calcium without D3 and aqua culture calcium with D3 given once a month
  2. KalaiDaCham

    Jackson Chameleon head movements

    Lol its a sign for it wanting to mate i think. The only reason that i think this would be because my make did this when it was about to breed with my female.
  3. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    The only reason that i didnt get one would be because i catch my jacksons from right outside my house so i would expect it to be the same i guess.
  4. KalaiDaCham

    Somethings happening to my jackson’s chameleon’s feet!!!

    Maybe that might be it i don’t exactly know...
  5. KalaiDaCham

    Somethings happening to my jackson’s chameleon’s feet!!!

    Whats a gout? I know it may be a stupid question...
  6. KalaiDaCham


    Any pictures?
  7. KalaiDaCham

    Is my cham pregnant?

    Pictures may help...?
  8. KalaiDaCham

    Size Importance

    Onviously when they get bigger your gonna need a bigger cage but fir right now, since you getting a juvenile veiled, the 18x18x36 is good enough...
  9. KalaiDaCham

    Size Importance

    Then the 18x18x36 is perfect
  10. KalaiDaCham

    Size Importance

  11. KalaiDaCham

    Size Importance

    Depending on what type of chameleon that you have. Im pretty sure that the cage you have is good enough.
  12. KalaiDaCham

    Somethings happening to my jackson’s chameleon’s feet!!!

    No no all his claws are there
  13. KalaiDaCham

    Is my female veild Gravid ?

    Oh ok got it.
  14. KalaiDaCham

    Is my female veild Gravid ?

    Be prepared for when they come.
  15. KalaiDaCham

    Is my female veild Gravid ?

    She looks gravid if u ask me.
  16. KalaiDaCham

    Somethings happening to my jackson’s chameleon’s feet!!!

    I just noticed that my male jackson’s chameleon’s feet is getting fat. Its like a bruise, but its not sore to him. It makes it hard for him to grasp on to things. The worst part is that there are no chameleon vets where i live.
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