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  1. KalaiDaCham

    Sick Veiled

    In that first picture he looks very pale.
  2. KalaiDaCham

    Sick Veiled

    Looks like an infection to me but who knows . Hopefully he gets better
  3. KalaiDaCham

    Would it be possible for a juvenile jacksons chameleon to be gravid?

    I noticed that my juvenile female jacksons has gotta fat. Really fat infact, i was just wondering if it would be possible.BTW i put her with a male when we were transporting them.
  4. KalaiDaCham

    Can Anyone Show Me The Jackson Chameleon Caresheet

    I just want to know a little bit more about jacksons chameleons but i dont know how to get to the caresheet?? Any help here...
  5. KalaiDaCham

    Need help for Oscar :(

    Dang his eyes look very bad aswell. I don’t know much about veiled so hopefully someone with more experience tags along.
  6. KalaiDaCham

    Rolly Pollies?

    I think they are fine. I use yhem once and a while for my jacksons and they love them.
  7. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    Its there...
  8. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    What do u mean
  9. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    I always give variety is the thing. Like roaches isopods locusts crickets black soldier fly larvae earth worms and sometimes mealworms and she stopped eating even today which means she didnt eat for a couple of days already...
  10. KalaiDaCham

    Pineapple plant safe?

    Btw there is barely any veileds here in hawaii, which is also sad, but saying this means that who knows if pineapple plants are safe for veileds. But if you ask me i think they are.
  11. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    The second reply press the click to expand i did it on that one
  12. KalaiDaCham

    Brand new ... Help

    Or maybe when she gets bigger you could get her a larger cage since they need their space...
  13. KalaiDaCham

    Brand new ... Help

    Im pretty sure the rubbing of its eye is normal but make sure you mist her down because usually when they rub their eyes it gets fat or whatever and i guess they are trying to clear out their eyes. Also you may aant to try to get a bigger cage, especially for a 7 month old veiled cham.
  14. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    Just press the click to expand button
  15. KalaiDaCham

    Why isnt my chameleon eating?

    So today i went to go feed my female jackson’s chameleon but she didnt want to eat?? I really don’t know why... Anyone got any ideas on why she isnt eating, any ideas would help!
  16. KalaiDaCham


    I might be wrong but mines was like this and someone told me it was dehydrated.?.?.
  17. KalaiDaCham

    Dehydration??? How can i help my chameleon to drink???

    But thanks for the info!!!
  18. KalaiDaCham

    Dehydration??? How can i help my chameleon to drink???

    If she was pregnant i wouldnt need a lay bin because jacksons give live birth...
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