The worst part is that its a little hard for me to start my own colony, plus since i live on a certain island in hawaii, there isn’t a pet shop on my island...
I was wondering if anyone knew any sites that actually shipped to hawaii. Or like that shipped crickets to hawaii? I was also wondering if any websites shipped other feeder insects to hawai that is a workable price?
And i cant really tell anything about the poop because i have about 4 , 2 babies and 2 adult females, all in a huge cage. So its kind of hard to tell anythin about the poop
i have had a female jacksons chameleon for couple months now. She is wild caught which means that i have only a limited amount of info about her. i just want to know for sure so that i can be ready for the little ones. She is bigger then any other jacksons i have caught and is getting larger...
Lately my jackson chams have stopped drnking? I mist them about 3-5 times a day for about 10 minutes. But none of them seem to drink.I have a couple drippers as well as a little waterfall thing. The only reason i think they are dehydrated would be because their eyes are sinking in a little. Any...
I know this might be like totally off topic but since im like kinda new to the forums i was wondering if any of you guys could tell me how to post a thread or something like that because i need to post one..?