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  1. ChamyLove

    Should I start to FR?

    Hi everyone! So lately I've been reading up a lot on free ranging, and I think it might be good for me to start with my panther. The only concern I have is that I've had him about 3 months and he still isn't too happy about handling. I would need to handle him to get him back in his cage (I...
  2. ChamyLove

    New Chameleon! Couple supplement questions

    Inbreed anything isn't very healthy. The offspring will most likely have disorders, unwanted mutations, or might not even survive. Something to keep in mind.
  3. ChamyLove

    Calling all kammer babies

    Is that what they call it? Lol. I think my Kammer will be a "late bloomer" also. He's 7 months and not so colorful, but the colors he has are so beautiful, so i'm certain he will be a beautiful ambanja. :):o:p
  4. ChamyLove

    I'm an idiot

    I get so upset when I see chameleons at the pet store, They require so much more planning and knowledge than people usually have when buying a new pet at the pet store. I always just want to by all of the chameleons I ever see at a pet store so I know they will have a good home. But that is a...
  5. ChamyLove

    Nothing but Ambanja right here!

    He's so beautiful! I have an ambanja that it about 7 months old, and I'm starting to see beautiful color! So excited to continue watching his color evolve. :) Yours looks amazing. :D
  6. ChamyLove

    Why are females cheaper?

    I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's because females are not as popular due to the chances of them becoming egg bound.
  7. ChamyLove

    Cleaning the Cage

    LOL. I'll take that as a compliment?:p:p:D
  8. ChamyLove

    Cleaning the Cage

    Thank you!!:):D
  9. ChamyLove

    a new name, and a new cage-

    That is such an amazing idea! Is the plastic tray at the bottom removable for easy cleaning? I'm going to need to update my cham's cage soon, do you think you would recommend this for full time use?:D
  10. ChamyLove

    Cleaning the Cage

    LOL I literally got so scared when i read the " Supposed to be buying brand new set up". Thank you!
  11. ChamyLove

    Cleaning the Cage

    Hi there! So I know that you are supposed to clean the cage, but I'm honestly not sure to what extent. On an almost daily basis (I try to do it daily but sometimes I end up doing it every other day) I clean poo off his leaves, and clip the leaves of the live plant back, and remove dead leaves...
  12. ChamyLove

    Socializing Chameleons for Handling

    Thanks! this helped alot!!:):)
  13. Oliver (ambanja)

    Oliver (ambanja)

    These are collective pictures of my ambanja panther whom I named Oliver!
  14. ChamyLove

    How do I feeder cup train my guy?

    Cup feeding At first i put just under half of his food supply in the cup, then the more i started seeing him eat out of it, the higher percentage of his food i put in it. Now all of his food goes in the cup (except for weekends when i free range the crickets so he gets the chance to hunt...
  15. ChamyLove

    Free range questions.

    Names I don't have a female, but I like the names : Peaches, kiwi, Rosie, Camille, fun stuff like that, :)
  16. ChamyLove

    My first chameleon

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!:p:)
  17. ChamyLove

    My first chameleon

    Misting Thanks! Sorry I'm late replying, but I've had my chameleon a few months now, and I still cant figure out how to get the misting water warm. The water is room temp, but it still isn't very warm. How do you get it that way?:confused:
  18. ChamyLove


    Worms I've started free ranging the crickets. I found that slightly bigger ones climb up the screan more. And now that my chameleon is bigger, he can eat the bigger crickets. The only thing about other worms is that the ones I can get easily are HUGE my chameleon is still pretty small so I...
  19. ChamyLove

    Socializing Chameleons for Handling

    Thanks everyone! Hey thanks for all the advice! I've been trying to hand feed, but the stand he is on is really wobbly, so It is hard to rest my arm while waiting. I'm getting a more stable stand for his cage though, so that should help. Just showing him that my hand brings the food has been...
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