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  1. szpond

    8 months old!

    Their username is their acronym! :)
  2. szpond

    Buying from Petsmart?

    I hate to say it, but if you did, it would just be replaced with another chameleon. As much as we want to rescue, it's best not to. The vet care cost would be in your hands, the seller would still be making money, etc. Trust me on this one, I have a cham from a major chain pet store. He...
  3. szpond

    Jackson's first time outside - PIC

    Thank you! He was really showing off some yellow. I was lucky to grab this photo, he was gaping for about 10 seconds and near the end of it he did this! Opened his mouth wide. Then shut it for good.
  4. szpond

    need suggestions for new cage!!

    Here's an idea of what I've got going on. The basking bulb (right) is held up by a clamp and attached to the wall. I do this just in case he does climb on the top screen -- he won't get burned or get too close to the bulb. I love my clamp light :p UVB to the left, it sits straight on the screen.
  5. szpond

    need suggestions for new cage!!

    Hello! I have my Jackson's male in a large screen cage as well. The goal for chameleons is to have a nice temperature gradient throughout their cage -- having their basking spot the hottest spot at the very top of the cage. I just use a 50 Watt that is raised up about 4 inches from the top...
  6. szpond

    Jackson's first time outside - PIC

    He was pretty amazed. In the direct sunlight it was only about 73-75! :eek:
  7. szpond

    8 months old!

    Handsome! Do you like Dave Matthews Band? ;)
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