Agree! It's really a rewarding experience. I have my own custom-made 2x2x5, I went with the "taller is better" and things turned out okay! Wish I did something similar to what you're planning with the wood. I did all sides screen and ended up putting plastic over a couple of the sides anyway to...
Unfortunately, it seems that many of you are misinformed about Jackson's supplementing.
Do not supplement a Jackson's Chameleon as you would a veiled chameleon. They do not require that much supplementation.
It is a good thing you have found a laying bin.
There are aspects of your husbandry that need correcting ASAP if she is to remain healthy.
Please take a look at the care guide in the link below.
Pay extra attention to...
Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you here.
Gutloading is indeed that, inevitable. From my experience, I was able to find a good average of wingless crickets to purchase and feed off (before they grew wings) at a time. Personally, noise was kept to a minimum. But I'm not sure how other forums...
This is of my experience as well. Sometimes hard to locate these things :P
Though I am curious as to why you are supplementing calcium w/o D3 every day? Like a Veiled would need?
Good luck @ the vets! Keep us updated.
Welcome to the forums.
Sorry your chameleon's behavior has been worrisome lately,
it would be helpful if you could fill out the form in the link below.
Copy it from that thread and post it into this thread so we can help you out based...
Is he showing any signs of illness, anything that is worrying you? Other than that he is not eating very often? Also, what type of chameleon do you have?
Before making suggestions, it's best to know husbandry.
Fill out the form on this page:
Just copy-paste it into this thread, fill it out as detailed as possible. To post a photo, use the little dark-yellowish icon above the text box you...
I haven't been able to read through all of the comments on this thread yet, but I love the pictures!
When I worked at a pet store, I tried this method. Getting the chameleon to associate water with the nozzle of the rodent bottle could be somewhat challenging - but I found if I dripped water...
Everybody stay warm!!
I have heard of power outages within my state. Thank goodness we have not been one of them.
Check out this thread for some valuable info.
It definitely could not hurt. Did you and your vet talk extensively about your husbandry? Would you like the forum members to do a check-over of your husbandry to make sure everything is in order?
How exactly is he falling, by the way? Does...
I am glad to see your reply, Ferret. I am sorry to hear about your boy as well. After bloodwork, what are your plans for George? What sort of steps are there to take for organ failure? Would the correct thing to ask the vet to do be to take bloodwork, perform a necropsy, or both? Would bloodwork...
Thank you for all of your kind words. It has all come so quickly. I am missing him so much already.
I was not offered a necropsy, but I would have been interested to know of the procedure. I'm uncertain if this vet performs them.
Parasites are a possibility. From what I read...
Hello everyone.
I am sad to say that I took my baby boy to the vet today, only faced with the difficult decision to relieve his pain. His health had plummeted within a day and a half. The doctor was stumped as to what could be harming him - she could only speculate. I am so very happy that I...
Thank you all for your very kind words.
He was such a great boy, and I'm sad to say that I made the decision along with my veterinarian to relieve his pain and put him to sleep today.
Unfortunately, there were no clear-cut answers. Even during the 1-hour carride he seemed to decline...