I'd like to know as well, for my Jackson's did the same thing. One day I noticed it while he was basking, both eyes were just larger than normal. I allowed a shower so he could get anything out of his eyes if there was something in there. Then at night I noticed it, it was gone. But now it's...
Here are two steps you should take before you do anything else:
Fill out this form. It will give us details that will help us help you.
Be VERY specific, add photos of her set-up, of her, etc.
Read the care sheet for your type of...
Although I am not a panther owner (one day...), I'd like to welcome you to the forums and congratulate you on your new family member. :)
We love photos here!
I disagree with this post.
Having a light inside of a cage at all is very dangerous - - I have also seen instances of a chameleon catching its tongue on a hot light causing severe tongue burns. Covers I have seen for heat lamps usually are large-gapped, which is how it happened.
Also I'd...
We may be able to pinpoint why he is falling, if there is an underlying reason.
If you have yet to do so on the forums, please fill out this form and post it:
Pictures help us as well.
From my experience, the Jackson's tend to be more timid than anything. Usually nervous of your presence. I leave my Jackson's alone unless it is necessary to handle them for a number of reasons, the number one being how easy it is to stress out a chameleon.
A stressed chameleon is never a...
She is going to require quite a bit, would you send us a photo of her set-up?
Yes, she is a female trioceros jacksonii xantholophus, better known as the Jackson's Chameleon.
Read through the site's care guide a few times: https://www.chameleonforums.com/care/caresheets/jacksons/
I could be a bit off, but I would assume somewhere between 2-3 months old.
What are the dimensions of what you are keeping them in right now? Seems to be pretty large, but it may just be the photo.
I have made my own enclosure for my adult cham, it can actually be relatively easy but...
Very impressive for a first set-up! Certainly you have done an excellent amount of research and CERTAINLY you will take MANY photos and update us on your new little one as they grow up....right?! :)
Well put, and I'd also like to welcome you to the forum :)
We love pictures here, and I hope your new addition the best while settling into a new environment.
I would start off by reading this top to bottom, it really is a detailed and easy to follow care guide. :)
After reading, do let us know if you have any questions about the set-up.
An aquarium is not the best choice for a veiled...
Please take the time to read over this sheet. Read this and re-read this as many times as possible.
I have only merely skimmed but I do notice there are quite a few care aspects that need improving for your little guy.