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  1. szpond

    odd but consistent behavior???

    Couldn't have said it better. In his feeder cup, on the grapewood, down the side of the cage-- you name it!
  2. szpond

    Sleeping concern

    That sounds a little funky. Perhaps it is similar to the situation I ran into, though if he has truly changed his behavior, it may be more. I'll wait for another user to chime in. Here's what Max and I went through: His lights were going off at 7 or so, but around 5-6 he would actually...
  3. szpond

    Getting orange and red in the face and spine !

    What a cutie! Not bad quality! :) High quality cham
  4. szpond

    Glass vs Screen in the north

    I live in Michigan, and have had both screen and glass terrarium enclosures. In my experience with the bipolar Michigan weather (which also aids in the bipolar inside-of-my-house temperatures), I prefer to have a screen enclosure for a number of reasons. I found that, even with top and...
  5. szpond

    Sleeping concern

    I understand your concern. Here, why don't you supply me with these, for I think I ran into a situation very similar to yours: - What time do your lights come on in the morning? - Go off at night? - Is he being normal otherwise? Appetite, strong grip on branches, basking normally, etc? Is he...
  6. szpond

    Lost chameleon URGENT!!!!

    Be precautionary. Close toilet lids so your chameleon does not drown. Don't leave out large tubs of water or anything extremely hot that your chameleon could potentially burn themselves if they walk on. Good luck.
  7. szpond

    Misting system quick questions

    City water, never had an issue with soft/hardness with my fishtanks, so I assume somewhere in the middle. Yes I do drink it, this is what he gets in his dripper nowadays. Distilled for spraying. It is a custom made, this is why I am installing a new system. 5"x2"x2" It is a screen bottom...
  8. szpond

    Help Needed! Jackson's Chameleon Hunger Strike

    Perhaps we could get a more in-depth description of your overall husbandry for her. There may be something hidden that we can help with. :) Fill this out: Also, I may have missed it in the post, but what wattage are you using for your basking...
  9. szpond

    An accurate depiction of what goes on in a chameleon's head:

    By the way, in that third photo, the discolored portion of his skin on the base of his tail was his surgery spot in Sept 2012. Almost a full year ago, just a few more days! How great it has healed. :p
  10. szpond

    An accurate depiction of what goes on in a chameleon's head:

    Commentary by Max the Jackson's chameleon. What's that clicking black thing my human is holding? I think I'll keep a close eye on it. Maybe there's food inside. Hey, cool things are out of the window. It feels warm here. Think I'll flatten out and bask. I trust my human...
  11. szpond

    Misting system quick questions

    I tried to search for these answers, but I'm having issues because I'm on my phone. Posting a link to potential answers would be great too. 1) Where to position the nozzle. Obviously at the top, but do you want it to spray the designated basking spot? Or just on a patch of leafy vines...
  12. szpond

    First time Chameleon owner

    The first question I'd ask you is this: what type of chameleon are you getting, and how old will this chameleon be? Answers vary depending on this. Choose which type of chameleon you'd like to help get set up for and read up! It's a great...
  13. szpond

    He's plugging my nose!

    Love that female pose. So...vogue. Great pic!
  14. szpond

    Vet bruise ?

    My jackson's had a bruise slightly larger than that from the needle. Does it have any cause? Or just random?
  15. szpond

    Day 2 of 14 of meds

    Banana! He probably loves the taste, ha. Just my opinion-- I wouldn't keep him out of his home longer than you absolutely have to. He is probably stressed enough with the oral meds. What I did with my boy when he needed a 14-day oral antibiotic was take him out when I needed to...
  16. szpond

    Recent addition eats mantis

    What type of camera and lens are you using for these shots? They are my favorite!
  17. szpond

    Pretty boy ~7 mo

    Could you believe he was raised most of his life in a major chain pet store?? Every store is different. Fortunately the stores nearest to me, where I purchase my crickets/supers, knows and cares about chameleons. It CAN be done! :) We must be the change. Here he is resting colors/body...
  18. szpond

    Need Helpful Information(read for more info)

    Welcome to the forums! You have made a great choice joining here to ask your questions. It is an endless source of valuable information. 1) I do spot cleanings every day. Using paper towel as substrate, it is really easy for me to take out the soiled pieces (for example, where he...
  19. szpond

    Pale Veiled

    What does "including stroking" mean? If this means "petting" your chameleon, I wouldn't do so. Being handled daily is definitely a stressor on him/her. I would leave the chameleon alone for as long as you can until they are comfortable with the new environment. This may take awhile.
  20. szpond

    New to Chameleons. Introducing Yosh

    I am fairly certain that the white around the nose is just excess salts given out through the nose...correct me if I am wrong, fellow forum members. Though I do notice the curvature in his front legs at least, the casque looks to be a bit underdeveloped for the maturity level in his...
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