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  1. szpond

    365 days of Jake

    I see! So they're just normal "bruising" that will go away with time? I believe I read that thread. Great photos!
  2. szpond

    365 days of Jake

    Love these day by day threads. Though I'm curious, what are those black specks on his body? I don't think I've seen that before.
  3. szpond

    Geoff has another mantis meal

    Looks very pro to me! Awesome shot! And past shots, all wonderful.
  4. szpond

    Chameleon babysitting - need some help

    Whoops passed over this post. Yep, actually! This is my first time seeing him since then, and I'm pretty nervous over his small size still. He doesn't look starved to me, but I intend to sit down with the owner and ask about their feeding habits. And she'll be getting gifts from me...a...
  5. szpond

    Chameleon babysitting - need some help

    I will recommend that to her as well! I am not certain she's done a chameleon fecal before (our local vet) - but I'm certain she would have done other reptile fecals. Approx 2 months old for sexing him first. I may have even posted a thread about it, I'll have to look. Took the laying...
  6. szpond

    Gotta love Veileds :)

    Even with love and respect some veiled chams don't enjoy being handled. Looks like you got the right guy! How sweet!
  7. szpond

    Chameleon babysitting - need some help

    I mean, I see spurs now, but I distinctly remember not seeing spurs back then! :eek: And that there were a few of us sexing this cham. I am just baffled, honestly.
  8. szpond

    Chameleon babysitting - need some help

    End of the tail is damaged as well. Cannot curl properly but does fine on branches.
  9. szpond

    Chameleon babysitting - need some help

    I have pretty much been treating him as a juvenile with feeding, he can really put it away and still has much room to grow. Should we be concerned of his small size for his age? I am going to take out the laying bin they have provided. I am baffled that I see male now, when I saw female back...
  10. szpond

    Chameleon babysitting - need some help

    When this veiled got to me, it was obvious of the slight dehydration and URI. No bubbles, but a popping/clicking noise constantly. Puffed up even at night. I have talked to the owner and we will be seeing a vet together when she returns. My main issue is this: at a very young age, we sexed...
  11. szpond

    Appetite decrease?

    Yesterday I fed 3 large crickets, today I see none (though it's normal that they find their places to hide) but I didn't see him eat any. Today he ate a butterworm readily. Yay!
  12. szpond

    Appetite decrease?

    My adult male Jackson's (~2+ years) has been eating a lot less recently. I haven't noticed weight loss, his eyes show he is hydrated, he is very active. Though because this is a new trend I thought I'd ask: Should I be worried that he will only eat one bug, MAYBE two every other day? I...
  13. szpond

    Weird skin problem

    I can't say I've seen this before, nor heard of the cream. Perhaps another forum member will chime in. Welcome to the forums, a speedy recovery to your new family member!
  14. szpond

    Nosy Be vs. Hawk Moth!!

    I was worried about this happening when I dropped a hornworm earlier last month and couldn't find it!!! Still can't find it...hoping that it was eaten without problem, though he has been turned off of them lately.
  15. szpond

    Growing plants?

    I have an old 18x18x36 ExoTerra terrarium that hasn't been in use for a very long time. I'd like to use it, so I was wondering if it would be beneficial to grow chameleon-safe plants in it for later use (I have an abundance of pothos that are too short!). My main questions are: - Out of the...
  16. szpond

    New keeper :)

    Great to have you here! PetSmart has a pretty lenient policy on returning items. Speak to a manager and explain your problems with the misinformation, they will understand. I'm sorry you were misinformed, however! Beautiful cham, looks male to me. We'll see by the pic. Again, glad to have you...
  17. szpond

    tasting the flowers

    My goodness, what a gorgeous shot! Also gorgeous cham!
  18. szpond

    need suggestions for new cage!!

    Ah I wish that perch had screws on both sides! I just got really lucky and it fits perfectly horizontally in my cage. It's the same width. It's kind of wedged in there. Thank you, regarding my set-up! It took quite awhile and a good amount of money, but he sure seems to like it a lot. I have...
  19. szpond

    other lizzards for cham or bearded draggon

    Hello! Here is a portion of the "Chameleon Foods" section of the Resources page ( "Vertebrates (pinkies, lizards, etc.) are not a notable part of a chameleon's normal diet in the wild. Too many animal proteins in the diet of an animal that's...
  20. szpond

    need suggestions for new cage!!

    The big wooden one is a huge grape wood, I believe that's what it's called. My cage is made up of that huge hunk of wood, wooden bird perches from PetSmart, repti-vines, live pothos, fake pothos :)
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