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  1. szpond

    Chameleon choking on water! What do i do?

    I have always read that force feeding water is not a good idea, unless experienced in the practice. Just what I read, that it's easy for them to drown that way. It sounds like when you shot the water into her mouth it went down her windpipe. For hydration I always use soft-bodied feeders...
  2. szpond

    My Pygmy Chameleon Viv

    I love the inhabitant, Larry the glass slug!
  3. szpond

    question on handling

    Aww, "evil water lady" ! That's adorable, yet a problem that a lot of cham owners have. The usual way that people "tame" their chameleons is to have them associate your hand with food. Everything loves food. Try offering the appropriate-sized feeders from between your fingers or in your open...
  4. szpond

    Jake - cat attack

    When I first read "cat" I got very nervous. The last cat attack thread I've read was very gruesome, I'm so glad that this case isn't nearly as bad. Good for you taking all of the proper steps to get him healed up. I'm glad you found the forum as well! Keep us updated. If anything I'd be...
  5. szpond

    anyone else have a sweet cham?

    My male Jackson's has never been very good with handling. Though sometimes he'll show some extra interest in the outside of the cage area, almost as if waiting for me to open his cage door. Lately what I'll do is take an extra bendy vine and attach it from his cage to my bed or desk, and...
  6. szpond

    Chams walking on the ground...

    Those reds are amazing!! I keep quite an eye on your instagram, I am "multiply" :) Gorgeous boy, those colors are so contrasted against each other, you could see him from a mile away! :eek:
  7. szpond

    Here's my Leo and his cage

    I've never had paper towels mold, but I change mine very often. I'm sure they could mold if left unattended for awhile. I have seen the carpet mold before. I'm not sure how long that specific carpet was in with the crested gecko that I saw, but it was moldy due to too much water and a high...
  8. szpond

    all my zophobas morio dead!

    Wow, that's crazy! Maybe they had been deprived of food before you purchased them -- then they were so eager to eat, they overate/drowned? Crazy!
  9. szpond

    Here's my Leo and his cage

    I use paper towel as my substrate. Easy to clean, and when the dripper drips on the leaves down to the bottom and misses the catching's easy to change the towel! Also no risk of the chameleon accidentally eating some of the substrate while hunting for food (this is typically the...
  10. szpond

    Something about nails ?

    Yeah, same thing happens to me. My Jackson's has the strongest death grip (especially if I am moving when he's on my hand/arm) - so I try not to move, or else I'll have mini red bumps in two or threes in a pattern/line. :)
  11. szpond

    Please Help! i dont want to loose him!

    I'm not an expert on veileds, but wouldn't a heat mat not be the best idea in this case? Perhaps someone with more experience on them can chime in on that
  12. szpond

    Chameleon toys?

    I think time outside is very engaging! My chameleon's "toy" is a mini free range. I got one of the fake trees from Michael's - it was $25. I covered it with the bendy branches and other fake vines.
  13. szpond

    New to the chameleon world

    Here is my favorite step-by-step cage build guide. I looked at quite a few while starting my own cage. Glad to have you here!
  14. szpond

    Screen Cage Companys?

    I love my DIY!! Depends on your set-up, but I have only used the lower portion of the DIY (the part you mentioned that opens) a couple of times. Usually when I was trying to change the paper towel without disturbing the cham, but he's usually not hanging up front so close to the door anyway.
  15. szpond

    Veiled chameleon puffed throat?

    I have the same question regarding if the mouth was open or not. Is it possible you could fill this form out so we can get a better idea on what kind of set-up you have and the specific care of your chameleon? :) Pictures are always...
  16. szpond

    New with questions.

    My chameleon always keeps a close eye on my cat. She will bother his cage if I'm not careful (unfortunately she isn't easily trained, I've found it easier to lock her out of the room). He doesn't like her, that's for sure. He shows his darker colors when she is in the room. I don't let her...
  17. szpond

    PLEASE HELP! My chameleon's left eye won't open!

    Looks like you may have a "she" there. I see no spurs on her back heels which would indicate male. I'm no expert on veileds, but the body looks irregular to me. I am sorry you were sold a chameleon in poor shape, it's a shame really. Though I admire how you are willing to stick with your pet...
  18. szpond

    Finished My Cage!!!

    Cool idea, I've read around that the cylinder-shaped screen cages are pretty simple to put together. I worried about creating a door. Do you just have a removable top or something similar for a door? Also did you use hardware cloth? And did you need help sexing the cham? What with the...
  19. szpond

    Baby panther chameleon eye issue

    Good! Have any pics of him? :)
  20. szpond

    Jackson's Chameleon with white pustules

    Pictures always help as well! :)
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