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  1. Chameleon Jim

    My enclosure so far....

    I personally installed literal "drains" on my cages. I have tubing running to a catch bucket that is stored underneath them. Since the bottom of yours is wood it will be a flat surface, but you can direct the flow of water by scoring the wood and resealing the score lines. You could put a drain...
  2. Chameleon Jim

    My enclosure so far....

    The plants look alright, and they will help with the overall humidity since there is no mist system in place (hand misting will help to but doing that multiple times a day is a hassle I imagine) Just make sure the plants do not get so large that the cham can get right next to the heat bulb...
  3. Chameleon Jim

    My enclosure so far....

    Aside from the mesh and the lack of drainage it sounds fine to me. Metal mesh is typically best if coated with something like pvc so as not to hurt their feet. My questions about sealing were not how is it sealed together, it was like "what type of (weather) sealant is on the wood". The reason...
  4. Chameleon Jim

    My enclosure so far....

    Well I am glad you do research, typically when people ask questions about basics like temperature/water/etc it is assumed that they don't know the answer. My mistake I suppose. Over the course of your research I imagine you would have found that 90% of all sources say the same thing about the...
  5. Chameleon Jim

    Misting question

    Hotter the better, water temperature dissipates rapidly the moment it is turned into mist. It takes a fraction of the time to cool tiny droplets as opposed to liquid water. The answer to your question is dependent on variables though. Where in the cage are the misters placed? right next to...
  6. Chameleon Jim

    New Panther owner / new member assistance with lighting & temp

    Instead of heating your entire house with the thermostat or moving him out of the basement, just buy a space heater to raise the ambient temperature of that room. It is cheaper than heating your whole house, does not heat your whole house, and can be moved if you move. Easy Peezy
  7. Chameleon Jim

    My enclosure so far....

    Also, looking at your enclosure, what kind of screen is that on the front door? is there a mist system? Is there drainage on the bottom? Don't ice cream containers eventually spring leaks if filled with water (cardboard) What is that wood sealed with? Did you seal it or is it an old piece of...
  8. Chameleon Jim

    My enclosure so far....

    35 Fahrenheit or Celsius? Fahrenheit, no that is not acceptable at all. Celsius, the temps are within a good range. Also depends on the species, some have different temperature ranges than others. There are literally hundreds of places to look that up, it is as easy as using google and typing...
  9. Chameleon Jim

    Do you know a cheap food for B. dubia ?

    I am eager to hear the reply. Keep us informed and thank you.
  10. Chameleon Jim

    Jerusalem Cricket

    Nope, probably a bad idea
  11. Chameleon Jim

    Do you know a cheap food for B. dubia ?

    Cat and dog food come in two varieties. Some are mainly animal protein, some are mainly vegetable. Just look at the list of ingredients on the back. If it says corn first then it is low protein, if it says poultry first, it is high protein. The low protein stuff is also usually the cheapest :)
  12. Chameleon Jim

    Jerusalem Cricket

    I would definitely recommend AGAINST feeding Jerusalem Crickets to you chams. They dont just have a painful bite, they have a SERIOUSLY painful bite. People breed those things and fight them against other insects. They can kill scorpions, small snakes, etc. Watch this (...
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