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  1. S

    Pico and her crappy week

    why is photo thing such a pain?[/URL][/IMG]
  2. S

    Pico and her crappy week

    Poor Pico has had a rough week, as have I. Went to the vet last Tuesday with a swollen back foot. I spent the week stressing about it, and trying to medicate her before going to work in the morning. Picture it, outside in the dark at 6:45 in the morning, penlight in my mouth. Trying to get Pico...
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    With great sadness.

    I'm so sorry. You took such great care of him for such a long time, and he lived a long time considering what a crappy start he had. He'll always hold a special place in your heart. Sorry I've been pestering you for flies when you've been going through this... Chris
  4. S

    She really loves her egg.

    So cute! What a funny little girl. I wonder if she will drop the egg at some point, so you can bury it, or just carry it around forever...
  5. S

    BABIES! Oscar and Loretta babies!

    Amazing! I don't know how you can tear yourself away to go to work. It must be so hard to leave the house. Bet you just want to stare at them all day don't you! Congrats!
  6. S

    Meet Karby, my new baby!

    He looks simply darling! I'm so glad you have a piece of your dear girl to,take care of now, after all the grief. He will help you heal.
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