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  1. S

    roach breeders...what color is your bin ?

    My bin is a large black one that I found at the Container Store, after struggling with a smaller one for a while, that you couldn't put the egg flats on end. Anyway, the roaches seem very happy, even though I turned the heat mat off a couple of months ago. I don't have a chameleon at the...
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    it only took 10 mos ~ I think she feels at home now

    Do you have any pics of her, even though she's shy? You know we love pics!
  3. S

    George's new abode!

    Yes, you definitely do have the best fish and chips! Your cage looks amazing and George is going to love clambering about all over the place in it. Whereabouts do you live in East Yorkshire? I have family in Brough and Skeffling. Just being nosey, sorry!
  4. S

    I am going to do it..

    You can get a 'breeding' starter set from a lot of the dubia breeders online, for a reasonable price. That's what I did, and I'm swimming in them now! Get a largish Rubbermaid bin, or something like that. You want it to be deep enough that youncan stand the paper egg flats on end, so that the...
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    Petco's chameleons and reptiles

    I have to say that I'm lucky with my local Petco. It's only a small one, but the guy who takes care of the reptiles does a really good job. All the critters innthe reptile area always look active, with good colours. Yes, there is substrate, but the chameleons do get misted, and I have taken...
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    Johnstonii Copulation!!

    He looked so determined. What a cute pair!
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    OH MY...shameless - LOL

    She's quite the little tart isn't she? LOL! That's a funny photo...
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    Chameleons refusing to eat silkworms

    I think there's an inverse ratio as to whether or not a cham will eat something related to its cost. In other words, the more the food item costs, the less likely they will eat it!
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    RIP Skittles

    R.I.P. Dear Skittles. Had he been sick, or was this unexpected?
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    Olive -

    I'm so sorry to hear about Olive. R.I.P. little girl. We've both lost a little Jackon's girl recently, and I had no idea how much I would miss her, and I still do. Every time I look outside at her home, there's a lump in my throat, and it's been a month now. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you...
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    Who can speak another language?

    I can speak English fairly well. (I'm British..) American, not so well, but I've learned to switch vocabulary back and forth, depending on whether I'm talking to my family, or friends and colleagues here!
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    Is this routine ok for a Jackson chameleon?

    I would try to vary the diet more, mealworms aren't all that good, and don't wiggle much either! See the caresheets for jackson's that are here on the forums. Try to get some dubias, they are easy to breed in your own home,mand don't smell or anything. Also, they are good nutritionally. You...
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    R.I.P. Piko

    I just wanted to let you all know that I lost Piko last week, but haven't been able to tell you until now. I couldn't get her to drink last Tuesday, and she seemed so weak. I had been using a half to one whole spray bottle, for a few days in order to get her to drink, and even that stopped...
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    Look Mama L

    Adorable! I didn't know quads were like frogs, now I do. She's a sweet little thing isn't she!
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    Favorite hiding spot

    The birds can't attack him from above, that's why. He feels safe! LOL. What a cutie!
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    At the hubby's insistance...

    I'm sure the snails will ove their new home! Do you have a swimming pool and diving board yet? I started a snail colony. I found two snails wandering around and put them in a plastic container outside with dirt, a pool, some stones and two flowerpots on their sides. Haven't seen any eggs yet...
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    My Jackson's Video

    What a mellow boy, very handsome!
  18. S

    Devastated. Kidney disease, please advise

    Thank you werecat, for your kind thoughts. I'm hoping that she gets better too, I haven't given up yet! No edema seen yet, and she really doesn't look any different. She did in fact pass some urates while stuck in the bathroom over the weekend. That surprised me. She was pleased to get back...
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    Devastated. Kidney disease, please advise

    No, no idea what caused it. My vet was surprised, he thought maybe she had an infection or something. When she was eating, I would supplement with plain calcium a couple of times a week, vitamins once a month, and calcium with D a couple of times a month. As she lives outside I was always a bit...
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    Devastated. Kidney disease, please advise

    So, I took Piko to the vet on Wednesday, for the third time in as many months. Not eating etc. This time, he drew labs and the results came back as high PO4, which is indicative of renal disease. He was surprised as he thought she looked pretty good, although she'd lost weight of course. I'm...
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