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  1. S

    Sun in the NW

    LOL at the second pic! He's so cute!
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    Trying to beat the heat!

    I do have a Jackson's, a little girl, and I had to brave the heat yesterday to take her to see Dr. Greek. She hasn't been eating for several weeks, and even though he couldn't find anything wrong last visit, this time he drew some labs which I'm waiting on. He still thought she looked pretty...
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    Four letter word

    Aah, so sweet!
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    Brithday babies

    Wow, tiny dinosaurs! Congratulations! I'm off to see Dr. greek today as Piko is not eating and is very sleepy. She's been like this for a while, so I know it's not the heat, which is making me very sleepy! Hope he can do something....
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    need to fatten my little guy up

    Mealworms aren't very wiggly, or particularly nutritious. Dubia roaches, silkworms, would be better if you can get some. Some of the sponsors on here sell them, as you will have to mail order most likely.
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    What do you like about their personalities? I'm not familiar with them, but I remember seeing some at a reptile show last summer. Sticky Tongue Farms I believe. I'm just curious as to the different personality traits shown by different species.
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    Land snails

    Tell people where you are, and if interested parties are local, maybe they can swing by and pick some up! I just started a snail colony, found two, so,hoping for some eggs soon. Weather horribly hot, so that may encourage them!
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    Busted !!!!!

    What a little monkey! She is obviously the great explorer of the herd, and most likely reports back to head office with her discoveries. Adorable!
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    how do you choose which photo?

    I love your Xmas pic! I wish I had seen it at Xmastime. So cute! I haven't entered any photos yet, but it's on my bucket list...
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    Silkworms for sale

    I bought some silkworms online. Naturally Piko isn't interested in them! So, I was wondering if anyone in the Los angeles area wants them. Only $10 for two 'pods' that I made for them. They're growing fast, and I will run out of food soon, so please contact me before they tun into elephants...
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    You could use the heatmat to keep your feeder bugs warm eg. Dubias. Yay!
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    Thank you for the update. So happy that she seems to be doing well after her ordeal! Congratulations on your new girl, have you thought of a name for her yet?
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    Mt Meru Jackson's

    Can't wait to see pics of the tiny babies. I'm sure you're right about the heat wave being responsible for the early births. Ghastly, wasn't it? I set my mister to run every hour and kept my fingers crossed. So far, so good. Piko didn't seem nearly as bothered by it as I was!
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    Skye has an RI

    Hope S kye gets better soon. Good job on the cage though!
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    Jackson Chameleon Temperatures?

    Your bathroom may be cooler, and you could move him there temporarily. I did that last summer for a couple of days. My little girl lives outside, and although it's going to be frigging hot today, she has lots of leafy shade, and my mister is set to go for longer periods and more often this week...
  16. S

    My temporary/emergency cage. Input?

    Wow, great job! Plus, thank you for rescuing him from an awful environment. I'm sure your slept well after all that. Please send more pics when your new cage comes in. Love seeing the little rescues get better and better.
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    New to chameleons (rescued Jackson's)

    Or Bruce, which could be short for Busuzima, and a lot easier to say! He's a very handsome chap anyway. Congratulations!
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    I'm not eating that!

    Also tried some silkworms today with the same 'meh' response. What do you want little lady? Sheesh!
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    I'm not eating that!

    second try
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    I'm not eating that!

    Piko, a little sleepy, and not very interested in the exciting new snack I provided. sigh [/IMG]
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