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  1. moogle73


    Well silk worms go from egg to about 1 inch in 10-14 days if kept in ideal temperatures (high 70's to low 80's) and offered plenty of food. and while at it, check this thread out, its got a ton of stuff -
  2. moogle73

    New to the site :)

    he looks wonderful :)
  3. moogle73

    What's your favorite UVB light, and favorite Basking light to use?

    I use the arcadia 6% uvb bulb for my uvb, and just a standard 75 watt bulb for my basking lights
  4. moogle73

    Kronk has ARRIVED!

    Congrats, he looks good :) I just got a chameleon from kamerflauge about a month back as well, a nosy be sire Wrex
  5. moogle73

    Can you gut load superworms?

    Of course you can, I have 2 bins of supers, the large housing bin they live in with wheat bran etc. Then a smaller gut load bin that I keep 20-30 in and fill that with the repashys SuperLoad, and other veggies and let them eat away in there for a few days before I feed them off. While...
  6. moogle73

    Buying in Bulk?

    being as your guy is only a month and small they would most certainly outgrow him before you fed them all (assuming you have no other reptiles) crickets in general grow pretty fast, especially in warm areas, but they seem to double in size every week lol. I would say try to get like 250 at...
  7. moogle73

    Question on nails

    Yeah I do this on my cages as well, not that specific type of fencing, but I use one similar to this it works really well, In the enclosures, I have 3 of the 4 walls lined with it (hanging down from the...
  8. moogle73

    Faly-ing in love

    fantastic looking chameleon! :)
  9. moogle73

    Mistking vs exoterra monsoon

    Yeah I would personally recommend the aquazamp "rain dome" too, the mist king is also great, either of those over anything else. But if I could pick between the 2, I would go with the aquazamp. as far as "link to get everything in the cart" well aquazamp is pretty straight forward, its 1 page...
  10. moogle73

    Got Reds? New wild caught pardalis...

    hes a beautiful chameleon, good luck with him. :)
  11. moogle73

    Fav feeders for panther chams

    both my chameleons have yet to "refuse" any live insect I have given them, but they seem to enjoy hornworms, and superworms the most... they go right after them. I have yet to feed anything "flying" though so well see if that changes :)
  12. moogle73

    New to the Forum

    Well thats not entirely true, GENERALLY SPEAKING of course (since its really an individual chameleon by chameleon basis, some are more clam and "handle-able" than others and its really down to their individual personality) But generally speaking, Veiled chameleons are "slightly" more aggressive...
  13. moogle73

    purple panther

    Yeah, I have seen "purple" barred chameleons, with green or red etc bodies, for sale from various breeders, but I have never seen a majority purple panther chameleon. That's not to say one may not exist, as I have seen some pictures of purple chameleons (not sure if they were panthers or not...
  14. moogle73

    Super worms

    Well I wouldn't say there is any specific magic number, its more of a balanced diet approach. Generally speaking, no 1 feeder should make up a majority of any diet if it can be avoided, multiple different feeders fed together is better for the overall health.
  15. moogle73

    New to the site :)

    Some of the best days of my life occurred on that system... lmfao :D
  16. moogle73

    New to the site :)

    O snap! look at that SNES on the right :-)
  17. moogle73

    New to the site :)

    wow, he looks awesome, you did a great job thus far with him... he looks very similar to one of my chameleons "Ringo" :-) a blue bar ambilobe :)
  18. moogle73

    Where to buy baby male veiled? What breeder?

    well you can see the site sponsers see if there are any breeders of veiled's in there, I know has some As far as their colors, they wont be as "crazy" as say a panther may be, but you will find various different color's in veiled chameleons, you just need to look...
  19. moogle73

    baby panther finally came in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol yeah its unfortunate, some people see reptiles in general as a "cash cow" and get into the business purely with the intent on making money, with little to no regard for the creatures in their care. Thats not to say you shouldn't make money if you go down that route, but your first and...
  20. moogle73

    Lighting question

    yeah I use both a full tube uvb bulb, and a full tube full spectrum bulb on my enclosures, lighting is good, and coverage is good. Well technically there is beneficial value, just not specifically for the chameleon (that we know of). Reason being most if not all aquarium bulbs are full...
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