id say not to risk it. i had a bag experience with these beetles spraying their stench in my chams eye. i wasnt trying to feed my cham this beetle. but like you said mealworms sometimes get away and return as beetles. i wouldnt risk it. my chams eye was irritated for 3 days
i had an issue with one of these beetles a while back. i had a thread about it, like brandon said they release a foul smell. but if you look close they actually spray a liquid from glands near their rear they use it as deffense from predators. anywayz i had one of these beetles on my cage and im...
i have the toilet paper roll in there so they can hide and what not. but i have to grab them with my hand to dust them and pinch their legs off so they dont jump out of the cup. ive only gotten bit twice first time just kinda pinched a bit. second time broke my skin and drew a bit of blood. i...
haha. that they do. i usually get medium sizes before they get their wings (wich we all know is what makes their chirping noise) and as they get them i feed those first. and is they all decide to grow wings at the same time then i clip them off!! payback. lol
i agree. make your own, its really not very hard. and its cheaper than buying one. theres tons of videos on youtube about it. but if your looking to just buy one amazon is the place for the best deals
is it strange that my cham goes to sleep around 5:00-6:00pm. i have his lights on from 8 am to 5:30pm even with the lights on later hes still asleep at the same time. i figure if hes gonna sleep with the lights on it might just stress him out, so i set my timers to that time.
ive seen this video like 3 times before! and pretty much everythign else on them. i would love to own one of these guys some day. a man can dream right!
yea i was deffinately thinking a glass terrarium for these guys. its very hard to keep humidity up in screen cages. i like the less common species i find them more interesting!
im not sure about this at all. but id guess that the 2 wouldnt really run into eachother in the wild. and usually toxic insects have a bad taste so once one munches on it, it will probly spit it out
oh man. she was in bad shape.. she just needs to get used to her new cage. try using more plants. more hidding spots. also a small reptibreeze doesnt sound big enough for a 10 month old. im sure she has special needs and probly a smalled cage would be good for her, so she doesnt take a big fall...