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  1. gabrielguy

    hey cham forums, meet "yoshi" :)

    nice!:D lol sorry for stealing the name from you haha, it was my gf's idea to name him yoshi haha:P
  2. gabrielguy

    hey cham forums, meet "yoshi" :)

    hey cham forums:) soooo ive been wanting a cham for a while and i decided to wait while i did my reserch, and now i finally have my cham!!:) idk what kind he is(obviously veiled but idk subspecies) and im not sure how old lol, i bought him from breeders and i think they said he was4-6 months or...
  3. gabrielguy


    hey chameleon forums, i stumbed across this cool looking lizard while browsing the web, so i looked it up to see what it was, turns out, it was a chameleon, but ive never heard of it nor seen it, so i was just wondering if this chameleon is rare? if i was to buy one(when i do get a chameleon)...
  4. gabrielguy

    Can I supplement diet with wild caught insects?

    i wouldnt reccoment catching stray worms or food for your chameleon in general, you never know what parasited the food will have that can also spread to your chameleon
  5. gabrielguy

    help, help, help?

    hey have they been breeding for a long time? i ask this just ti be sure they'll still breeding in the future, because im going to wait to get a chameleon so i can learn more about it. but when i do decide to get one i plan on buying from your breeder lol. what do they breed?
  6. gabrielguy


    hey, im doing my research before i buy my chameleon and ive been reading that chameleons burn themselves when they get to close to the light, so people are saying to keep the plants that the chameleon is climbing on, about 6-8 inches or comething like that. that seems like a lot of space...
  7. gabrielguy

    breeding setup idea??

    hey i dont have a chameleon yet, but i was planning on breeding/ growing its food, when i do get one. i was thinking of just getting a couple of those plastic office drawers like this and just putting dirt...
  8. gabrielguy

    the famous chameleon walk/dance???

    hey ive been looking around youtube for anything on chameleons, and ive noticed, that on some of the chameleons walk kinda funny? okay well its actually hilarious and cute at the same time, but my quistion is, why do they walk like this? is it because theyre scared or uncomfortable? maybee even...
  9. gabrielguy

    new to this

    so basicly just get either one to prepare me for a chameleon? and oh, wtf is husbandry? lol
  10. gabrielguy

    new to this

    my bad lol i messed up on hella words lol^^^ ill correct myself haha so are you saying to start with an iguana(maybee something even easier to take care of) then a beardie, then chameleon?? actually....whats the easiest reptile to take care of? lol. i dont want a snake or skink, or frog...
  11. gabrielguy

    new to this

    so are you saying to start with an iguana(meybee something even eiser to take care of) then a beardie, them chameleon?? actually....whats the easiest reptile to take care of? lol. i dont want a snake or skink, or from lol(if those are reptiles) imean out of lizards, whats the easiest??????
  12. gabrielguy

    new to this

    hey chameleon forums, im new to chameleons, and obviously i have a lot to learn, and im going to wait to get a chameleon so i can learn more and it doesnt die when i get it. but im wondering, in the mean time, should i get a bearded dragon? imean chameleons arent for first time reptile owners...
  13. gabrielguy

    help, help, help?

    thank you alot, thank you to evreybody that responded to me, it means so much and its for the chameleons sake!!:)
  14. gabrielguy

    help, help, help?

    i live in stockton, ca. im thinking about buying t from the store but right now im leaning more towards the breeder side, its more expensive and little take longer to get him, but by now,itd be better for both me and the chameleon to just wait. and i want a baby just so i can be with it longer...
  15. gabrielguy

    help, help, help?

    oh, and btw, since you ^^^ said that its species dependant, im looking into getting a nosy faly panther or ambilobe panther. ill take any information anybody has on either of the two
  16. gabrielguy

    help, help, help?

    okay, evrey bit of information helps, thanks! :)
  17. gabrielguy

    help, help, help?

    hey chameleon forums, im new to this whole chameleon thingy thing, but ive been wanting a chameleon for a couple weeks by now,the problem is, like some other chameleon owners, im not sure if i have down the whole concept to taking care of it, anybody please, tell me what im missing? as you read...
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