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  1. Flapnecked69

    Share pics of your panther cham :)

    Here my 3 month old ambilobe (Taz) I just got him yesterday morning. And today he just ate his first crickets (:
  2. Flapnecked69

    My new panther cham (:

    Totally happy witht the new panther cham i bought from silkyspanther. 3 months old. His name is Tazmania (Taz)
  3. Flapnecked69

    What do you guys think about this...

    This was an old cage my uncle used for his iguanas, its mulch stuck to the wall, they used to climb through the wall. I just placed some plants and decoration. Do i have to put the baskin light also? I live in jacksonville its pretty warm in here
  4. Flapnecked69

    What do you guys think about this...

    I have a big question, since i have my cage outside it receives straight sunlight, do i still have to place the UVB light on top?
  5. Flapnecked69

    What do you guys think about this...

    I just made a new enclosure for an upcoming chameleon, what do you guys think i might need.
  6. Flapnecked69

    My cham wont open his eyes. Urgent help! Please

    My cham is dead anyways ): but thanks tho
  7. Flapnecked69

    My cham wont open his eyes. Urgent help! Please

    My cham is a male flap necked, about 1 year or 18 months old acording to the person who sold it to me. It has been only 5 days with me. I handled him daily but not for a long period of time, only about 3 or 5 minutes. I placed some medium sized crikets on the cage, but he would not eat...
  8. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    A couple of times when i had the chance to. He barely drinked water today cause i was out
  9. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    :( i spray like 2 times when i had the chance to aim at his mouth aince he wont drink normally
  10. Flapnecked69

    Some help me!!

    80s florida weather. Lowest 79. So i dont place any het lamp.
  11. Flapnecked69

    Some help me!!

    I didnt use any today, i just placed a uv light
  12. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    Yes he just threw up a cricket, and it looks just like the picture i placed
  13. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    I tried to put some water on him when he opens his mouth but he made this expression like if he wanted to throw it up, then i waited a little and he opened his mouth and forced his body
  14. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    He is tryin to throw up, but he cant does he have parasites?
  15. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    Sorry guys, this was the pic i was tryin to show
  16. Flapnecked69

    Does anybody know if this poop is normal

    My cham wont open his eyes, he is about a year old, i just got him like 5 fays ago, i had him on a fish tank. I was plannin on moving him today, all i do is spray water on him, what can i do?
  17. Flapnecked69

    Some help me!!

    His poop is big, it has some yellow and white thing with a full size dead ceicket i gave him a couple of days ago. It smells like a pig
  18. Flapnecked69

    Some help me!!

    I just got him 5 days ago, he is a flap necked cham, i had him on a fish tank. Today i didnt had any light at all and i forgot to spray water on him. I just came feom work and i decided to pick him up to see how he was, he dodnt wanted to open his eyes. I havent done any poop exam. It doesn...
  19. Flapnecked69

    Some help me!!

    What should i do if my chameleon wont open his eyes. He usually opens them when i get close to him. But i picked him up today an he wont even open them. I starte to move him and still wont open them ):
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