Well, I finally pre-ordered my female jackson's from Mike at FLChams, I'll be getting her from the Daytona show, a friend of mine will be picking her up as I have 8 scheduled groups Sat. and Sun. of the show, so I have to be at work as opposed to the BIGGEST herp show in the world. Anyway, I was...
How long was she in the aquarium? Sometimes switching environments can stress an animal to the point of not eating for a while, make sure the humidity and heat levels are optimum and try one of her favourite foods. If she continues not to eat, immediately take her to a veterinarian.
On all my herps I have them running currently from 8am - 9pm, Just because I am following the sun. My iguana's are housed outside and their UVB/Fluorescent runs from 10am - 10pm, just because their enclosure doesn't recieve full sun for 12 hours.
Speaking of animals in the freezer, thanks for reminding me, I have 3 copperheads, a king snake, and a corn snake in the freezer I need to unthaw and get into some jars. Carrion Beetles do wonders on eating flesh, muscles and internal organs. The superworm ting sounds interesting, as long as...
I work for a local museum as well as I am the head director of the Association of South Eastern Field Herpetologists. For every D.O.R. (Dead on Road) herp we find, if it's in good preservation quality, we preserve it in jars of Isopropyl alcohol. I don't reccomend using Isopropyl on arachnids as...
E-mail's not going through...So here.
"Hey guys,
Anyway, I don't think I'll be at the Atlanta show, I have to work that weekend but a buddy of mine is going to the Daytona show, he said he'd pick me up one, I preferred if it were one of your guys'. I went to the Columbia show, asked if you...
Hey guys, are you gunna be at the Daytona show this year? If so, can you guys bring a nice looking female xantholophus? I asked you guys last time to bring some commons to the Columbia show, but you guys didn't bring any. :(
Just wondering, cause I lost my female to bacterial pneumonia last...
I don't get lucky like that, occasionally we have people calling in for snake ID's and stuff, but barely find anyone who calls to look for someone to adopt or whatever their herp. I work for a local museum and do some rehabbing.
Paluma is the Mayan word for water. I work for a local museum and have had the embryos preserved. They were way cool looking too, little eyes and you could see their little tail.