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  1. Montezuma

    R.I.P. Paluma

    Performed her necropsy, she had 7 developed babies in her, 7 others were infertile. She had fluid in her lungs and her right lung had bloody fluid in it, everything else was fine. Now if I can only find a place that sells jacksons, online the shipping is ridiculous.
  2. Montezuma

    Mouth Rot?

    Bad news guys...Paluma didn't make it to go see a vet, was gunna take her today and she had passed while I was at work.
  3. Montezuma

    R.I.P. Paluma

    Well, after a long struggle with her not eating, possibly being pregnant (Necropsy will let me know if she was or not) and a temporal infection (In which she JUST got her meds today for it), Paluma has left us. Rest in peice my little female Jackson's.
  4. Montezuma

    Mouth Rot?

    Hey guys, female jackson's is not doing so well, getting lethargic and I believe she is coming down with mouth rot, what do you guys think?
  5. Montezuma

    Beetle Invasion

    My male Jackson's isn' picky, he gets a wide variety of insects, from crickets to mealworms to roaches to pillbugs and on it goes.
  6. Montezuma

    Beetle Invasion

    Not a huge concern.
  7. Montezuma

    Beetle Invasion

    Well, I am guessing, since Japanese Beetles are in a totally different genus as lady birds (Lady bugs), then they should be edible. They are technically also gutloading themselves off our greenbeans.
  8. Montezuma

    Beetle Invasion

    I have a fairly large garden in which I use to feed my countless herbivorous reptiles, lately I've been noticing an increase of Japanese Beetles. Has anyone ever fed their cham these beetles? I tried last night and my male jackson's eats them like there's no tomorrow. No chemicals are used on...
  9. Montezuma

    My female Jacksons

    This is Paluma, which is the mayan word for water, she's my little female...let me all know what you think of her. I have a male, I'll get some photos of him eventually.
  10. Montezuma

    She may be close...

    I am really beginning to think that my female Jackson's is about to drop some babies very shortly...I read somewhere that their eating will slow and for some time they'll stop eating before giving birth and their movements will be somewhat clumsy. My female, Paluma, hasn't eaten in about 4 days...
  11. Montezuma

    Bit concerned

    She's been drinking fine, which leads me to believe that she may be close to giving birth. I'll definately keep a close eye on her for the next few days, if she doesn't eat, off to the vet she goes...hopefully she gives birth or eats soon, Thanks Pohchunyee.
  12. Montezuma

    Bit concerned

    For some time I have believed my female Jackson's to be gravid. She's got a fairly big belly and it's not caused by eating a lot of food, reason be: She hasn't eaten in a day and a half, could this be signs of her getting ready to give birth? Or is it something else? Please let me know what you...
  13. Montezuma

    New to breeding

    I've had my female for about, oh, two or three weeks now. Everytime she see's the male she still turns black and sways, not to mention she looks pretty tubby, she has since I got her, I'm wondering if I got her when she was gravid, she looks pretty big now. I'll have to get some photos for you...
  14. Montezuma

    Rufus's new setup

    That's a good idea, but I have to ask the same questions as KK did...
  15. Montezuma

    Raising domesticated crickets

    I have raised and bred the black crickets before, they were a hassle, I am going to try and breed crickets again. Especially since I have little neonate xantholophus on the way. Just pulled the egg laying container out of the box of crix, I can see tons of long eggs on top even, I placed the...
  16. Montezuma

    Raising domesticated crickets

    Has anyone ever had success with breeding and culturing their own domestic crickets? I used to breed crickets back in the day, I hated it. However, after buying 500 crickets from Lucky Lure at the Columbia reptile show a week ago, I have decided to start back up, tons of females have already...
  17. Montezuma

    Black crickets for sale in Florida

    Paluma and Monty both eat pillbugs, slugs, snails, hoppers, crix and mealworms. Never have they had ill effect with either. I say, as long as the wild insect is not brightly coloured and has not been exposed to insecticides then it's pretty good for them.
  18. Montezuma

    New to breeding

    Thanks Kinyonga, I'll seperate them for the time being, I'll have to get photos, I'm not sure right now, as I just got her yesterday, if she was just well fed or may be gravid, hard to say.
  19. Montezuma

    New to breeding

    I have a fairly large custom built cage for my jacksons, it's basically one huge cage that I can slide a peice of peg board through the middle and it split the cage in half, thus making two cages...should I split the two up or leave them in one large cage? She's been teasing and taunting him...
  20. Montezuma

    New to breeding

    Just recently recieved a female xantholophus from a trusted breeder, brought her home and put her in my male, who's name is Montezuma, or Monty for short, she started swaying back and forth almost to say "Come over here!" and when Monty got over there, he tried to make the moves on her and she...
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