Alrighty, so Handsome Jack has taken a number of "field trips" around the kitchen and living room lately. I'm debating whether or not to put him in a 24 x 24 x 48" cage or not, because I'm worried about his safety. There's a few things I feel like I should point out:
He basically has a...
Alright, so a friend of mine REALLY wants a chameleon. Basically, what all do I need to tell her to consider before possibly getting one? That may seem like a silly question, but I want to make sure that she's prepared and she thinks this through a number of times. I'd love for her to get a...
I've been considering getting a pair of R. brevicaudatus to breed, because I want to help contribute to the captive-bred pygmy population and it's something I'd love to do in general. In addition I feel like it would be a good way to get my feet wet before I put more thought into breeding...
Are there any folks on this forum that have a "thing" for headphones and high-quality audio and stuff like that? I myself am sort of a budding audio snob. I just got a pair of HiFiMAN RE-400's for $99 and they're fantastic. Excellent sound quality and insane value. What models do you have and...
I took Handsome Jack outside today, and I noticed some changes in his behavior. First off, he took on the "mossy" pattern and coloration that a lot of Jackson's his age seem to have, instead of his usual uniform greenish color. Second, he did that "thing" chameleons do, where he rocks around in...
I'm looking for a tree or large bush that I can let Handsome Jack use in the spring and summer. I'm looking for something that can be potted outdoors and grows 4-8 feet tall. Any suggestions?
I'm thinking I may want to get a girlfriend for Handsome Jack sometime in the future. I want to reiterate that it's something I think I may want to do, and by no stretch of the imagination is this something I'll just rush into. Can anyone give me a rundown of the time, money and resources...
Handsome Jack's free range is basically a cageless enclosure, and I wanted to see about expanding into a full free range setup for him. Can anyone give me some tips and tricks on expanding a free range?
I'm looking for montane Trioceros sp. More specifically, I'm looking for a male T. montium or T. quadricornis. PM me if you have these or any other montane Trioceros available!
This may be a silly question, but does anyone know of any careers dealing with the study and research of animals in captivity and in nature? I'd like to choose such a career and specialize in herpetology, and a fairly big part of that is because I want to be able to study chameleons. Any thoughts?
I thought this would be a fun thread-post your "chameleon people probs" or little quirks, problems and stuff like that which are unique to being a chameleon keeper. I personally can't come up with any at the moment, but I wanted to see what you all could think of!
In your opinion, what's the most underrated chameleon species and why do you think that is? I'd have to say the senegalensis complex has to be the most underrated group of chameleons-I've heard they're sometimes regarded as a 'throwaway' species.
This is a fairly straightforward question-do you think it's possible at all that we might go a little overboard with attributing human traits to our chameleons and stuff like that? I don't want to be mean, but I'm just curious about what you all think.
A few weeks ago, I adopted Buttercup the budgie and Skeeter the cockatiel from a local shelter, and I decided to rename them Ren and Stimpy, respectively. Does anyone else on this forum keep parrots?
What I kinda want to do is see how trusting everyone's chameleons are. Can you give your chameleon's name and species, and how much it trusts you?
I'll start-my only chameleon's name is Handsome Jack, he's a Trioceros jacksonii xantholophus, and he trusts me about as much as I think he ever...
I used to have a Budgett's frog but unfortunately she had to be put down a little while ago. They're awesome animals and I'd totally recommend them to anyone willing to commit to them, which isn't much of a stretch seeing as the folks on this forum are used to caring for chameleons. That brings...
I was taking care of Handsome Jack this morning, and we maintained eye contact for several seconds. Suddenly he started making this erratic jerking movement with his head. I haven't seen that before, and he seemed just fine afterwards. However, I'm worried about the little guy. Any thoughts on...
Are there any factors besides the growth of the chameleon that affect horn growth in horned species? For some reason, I was kinda thinking calcium intake might correlate to horn growth, but I may be wrong. What do you all think/know about this?