I bought a female oustalet's at the NE Expo in Manchester, NH last weekend. She is extremely friendly and when I got her home, started exploring her enclosure right away. About an hour later she started showing bright yellows on her sides. These yellows practically glow in the dark. Since I...
I just wanted to shamelessly show off Magellan, my Blue Bar Ambilobe. I bought him when he was 8 weeks old, now he is 6 months old, and showing some great colors.
When I bought my 3 year old Red Bar Amibilobe, he wasn't in great shape. He was underfed, dehydrated, and his colors were extremely dull. But I got him for a great price, and figured that he could make a good recovery. Now just 3 months later, after proper housing, diet, and supplementation I'm...
I got my first Panther Chameleon yesterday, and at a steal of a price. You can already tell how calm and gentle he is, I'm obviously thrilled. And before all of the comments come in...His new screened enclosure will be completed tonight, lol.