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  1. ehoanshelt

    Chameleon shedding

    Hey guys, My chameleon is about 5 months old. I've had him for about a month now but I have not seen him shed anything. Is there a time frame when chameleons shed like every month, every 3 weeks, or what? I know that if he isn't shedding then that could be an issue. My humidity is at a...
  2. ehoanshelt

    Does this diet sound ok?

    Hey guys, So I've been reading up on diets for my 5 month old Amabanja chameleon and this is what I have so far: I alternate between crickets and silkworms. Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday - Silkworms fed on fresh Mulberry leaves Tuesday Thursday Sunday - Crickets gutloaded on...
  3. ehoanshelt

    Igor pictures!

    Hey guys, New to the forums and wanted to post a pic of my 4 month of Ambanja chameleon names Igor (pronounces EYE-gor) Pretty chill guy and still trying to tame him but he is loving the cage / free range combo I'm slowly building. Here are a few pics! Him just hanging around: Him finding...
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