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  1. littlefoot3

    Hide and Seek

    I've been leaving Derp's door open whenever I'm home just because. It hasn't been an issue in the past month we've been together since he has never tried to crawl out. Today, he woke up an adventurous spirit. I walked away for a few minutes and couldn't find him. Finally realized. I took him in...
  2. littlefoot3

    Just finished shedding!

    He's starting to get a good bit of turquoise now :) I'm quite excited about it! Though the pictures don't quite do it justice. Also, I'm not sure why one of them will only load upside down. 3 months and eating like a growing boy should.
  3. littlefoot3

    First Outdoor Adventure

    We went outside for a little sunlight today on the balcony. It was our first time outside together! He wanted to check the edge out, but refused to let go of my shirt... He didn't really want to be on anything other than me..
  4. littlefoot3

    Shaky Veiled

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - 3mo male veiled, I've had him 3 days (Aug 20.) Handling - I would say moderately, I carry him to and from his enclosure to the ficus in my living room so he can get used to the whole area. Feeding - The first two days, only superworms. Today, 12 crickets and 1...
  5. littlefoot3

    Derp Guevara has arrived!

    My little man has made it all the way to Louisiana and is doing absolutely fantastic! He can't seem to stop climbing all over my head, which is fine with me. I'm tickled with him :D
  6. littlefoot3

    Suggestions for superworm gutload?

    I've seen Sandrachameleon's wonderful blog post and recipe for this, I'm wondering what the rest of you guys use?
  7. littlefoot3

    Chromatophores and Physiology

    Who can point me in the direction of some reading on how chromatophores work and other things on chameleon physiology? Any good resources? Undergrad biology student looking for some end-of-the-summer reading!
  8. littlefoot3

    They really are like tattoos. Can't stop at one.

    I just began the final countdown for the arrival of my male veiled (my very first), and I'm already debating on whether or not I'd be able to fit a carpet into my budget. :rolleyes: 6 days until the arrival of my little Derp! (There will be SO many pictures to come.)
  9. littlefoot3

    Garden Snails!

    My little male veiled will be arriving next week, and so far on the menu I have crickets planned and then eventually dubias. I have a friend who has offered up snails from her garden after mentioning that they eat snails. Should I be concerned about him eating snails from a garden as far as...
  10. littlefoot3

    Enclosure critique?

    My first little guy will be here in about a week or so, give or take. 2 1/2-3 month male veiled. I've built this entire thing pretty much entirely from scratch! (Biggest pain in the butt for your first ever DIY project..) Can you guys let me know if I'm forgetting to do anything? Basic...
  11. littlefoot3

    Bird Gym?

    Just a thought, I always see similar statements about chameleon habitats being closer to a parrot's enclosure rather than a regular reptiles. I've had birds for years and I'm just wondering if you think a chameleon would be alright hanging out on a little bird gym? As much as I would love to...
  12. littlefoot3

    How do you set up your branches and vines?

    I'm in the process of setting up my first enclosure and I'm running into a problem- I can't get anything to stay! It's a 24x24x48 with the bottom blocked off with panel so it's a smaller cage since it will initially be housing a 3mo male veiled. I had always seen mention of thumbtacks on...
  13. littlefoot3

    It has begun!

    I finally finished construction on the cage and moved it inside my apartment! :D Right now it's only got a basking bulb, UVB bulb (reptisun 5), hygrometer, and a pothos. The bottom of the enclosure is a large piece of polycarbonate that I cut to put inside, and soon there's going to be a...
  14. littlefoot3

    Book recommendations?

    I've gotten a ton of wonderful information here on the forums as well as a few other web sources, I was wondering if anyone had any really awesome books on chameleons they normally recommend? I love to collect books on things I'm interested in and despite a long term interest in chams I've never...
  15. littlefoot3

    Supplement Recommendation?

    I saw someone with a "rule of thumb" feeding schedule when I was browsing really late last night and now for the life of me I can't find the thread with the post. I was wondering if anyone happens to know what I'm talking about? Or has another one they go by. Also, while we're on the...
  16. littlefoot3

    Growth and cages!

    When I get my new baby boy, around what age would I normally need to move him to a bigger cage? I'm building my own cage and I made it to where it will essentially grow with him. The full size is 24x24x48. The inside includes a raised panel to make it a smaller cage when he's little, but as...
  17. littlefoot3

    Cleaning your enclosure!

    How long does it take you and how do you normally go about it? How often? How does your cham feel about it when you do?
  18. littlefoot3

    UVB hood?

    I'm just curious where you guys got your hood for your UVB light? I'm in the process of setting up my first enclosure right now. I bought a Reptisun (5.0) and then realized I didn't have anything to put it in. The hood at the pet store was $50, so I ran next door to Lowes to see if I could find...
  19. littlefoot3

    Just a tad bit excited.

    Put down my deposit on a baby! I won't be getting him until mid-August (weather permitting) but I am so excited. He'll be coming from The Chameleon Farm. So far, communication has been phenomenal and I've been told pictures of him will be posted and I'll be updated on him until his arrival...
  20. littlefoot3

    Cup drinking?

    So in my pre-purchase research, the most common method for keeping a cham hydrated seems to be misting and drippers. However, I've come across a user on /r/chameleons who seems to successfully train his chams to drink from a wide-rimmed glass at the bottom of the cage. He has documented it and...
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