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  1. yoteango

    New Brookesia owner. Please help with ID and any tips and tricks for acclimation

    A few months ago I posted a list of plants that can be found in Madagascar. Mostly ignored that list and and turned it into a generic terrarium with the hope that I'd be able to put some Brookesia in it eventually. It's been growing for a while now. A front opening 40 gallon. On Saturday I...
  2. yoteango

    Need help identifying little black beetles - are these mealworms? (Tucson)

    A few months ago I found a lot of little black bugs in a trap and brought them inside and tried to feed them to my little guy. Soon after they infested my house. Until then, they seemed good enough, and bred prolifically so I threw them in my Dubai box to see what happened. Months later they're...
  3. yoteango

    What are some good Brookesia appropriate plants of Madagascar?

    I decided to go ahead and put together a Brookesia setup. I'm trying to make it as naturalistic as I can, with native plants and whatnot. Ideally plants found in the northern area where B. stumpii can be found. I've been using iNatualist to do my research. My logic is that if I can't get the...
  4. yoteango

    Parasite treatment in leaf chameleons (Brookesia stumpffi)

    These little guys have been on my mind, and it would be fun to try a small breeding project. I've got a few questions about them, but first and thought I'd share this article I found. Is deparisitization necessary for Brookesia, or do breeders have success not bothering with it...
  5. yoteango

    Can Largus "Bordered Plant Bugs" be used as feeders?

    I'm currently in a dangerous phase where I want to collect all the different types of potential feeders. It's a good thing it's winter, or I'd have a cage full of random porch-light moths in my living room. Anyways - On Bug Guide's "Rearing Wild Insects" forum there's a recent one for Raising...
  6. yoteango

    Tanooki Mario Photos

    Going to use this thread to dump a bunch of photos of this little guy here. Hatched 9/22/22 from a bought egg. Other threads with pics.
  7. yoteango

    Introducing Tanooki Mario

    This is Tanooki Mario. He is my first chameleon and hatched on 9/21/2022 from a bought egg. He is a panther male (I'm pretty sure at least) and has a heavily planted 24x24x48 cage all to himself. (I actually introduced him in an earlier thread, but wanted it to be more about that topic.) He...
  8. yoteango

    Egg Hatched! Here's some quick thoughts and tips on how the process could go a little smoother.

    My panther egg hatched today! I'd been beginning to lose hope it would. No pics tonight, but to my inexperienced eye, the baby looked healthy and was active, using all limbs and tail. It's sleeping in a fogger right now. The baby didn't eat, (as far as I saw) but I know it saw food and had...
  9. yoteango

    Are these temps in range for Panther Chameleon incubation?

    A few weeks ago I bought an egg from Cameleons101. (Realized that probably wasn't the wisest move but whatever) Just wondering if these temps seem alright, It's in a closet and the thermometer placed right next to it. I'm worried they might be too high. Thanks
  10. yoteango


    Hi Everybody A long time ago, I had a dream, and with that I built a big cage out of my dad's garage scraps, got cheap lights, even had a secret cricket farm going, and ended up getting a tortoise instead of a chameleon to appease my mom after that cricket farm was discovered, and the cage was...
  11. yoteango

    :eek:I live in Arizona where it is hot and is this to hot for a veiled.

    I am working on getting one and does any one know if a drop just down from 85 degrees down to 80 is to hot. It would be like this for at least 2 months a year. And does anyone know how to keep humidity in a room. I wont get it this summer but for next year is it OK or should i get a cheap a/c...
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