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  1. Mendez

    More Baby Pygmy Chameleons!

    Hi everyone, it's that time of the year when I log on to the forums and post some pygmy content! Long story short, I hatched out 4 pygmy chameleons this past week! Some more pics: Here are the temporary grow-out enclosures. Last year, I hatched out two pygmies (Brookesia superciliaris)...
  2. Mendez

    Baby Pygmy Chameleon (Pictures)

    Hi everyone, it's been a while since I last logged into the forums. I've been pretty busy with work, but my passion for chameleons is still going strong. Here are some pictures of one of my Cb 2-month-old Horned Pygmy Chameleons (Brookesia superciliaris). Incubation was rather quick at around...
  3. Mendez

    US bean beetles

    Does anyone have bean beetle cultures for sale in the Sacramento, CA area?
  4. Mendez

    Pygmy Chameleon (Brookesia superciliaris) Shedding Video!

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share this video of my female Brookesia superciliaris eating some shed stuck to her tail. It's quite awesome to see her shoot her tongue at her shed, leverage her body against it, and then proceed to eat the shed. I just happened to be in the right place at the...
  5. Mendez

    DIY Aluminum Ledges and Cage Makeover

    Hello everyone! I completely redid my Jackson's chameleon cage! I was tired of the same old shower curtain wrapped around my screen cage. While it did the trick for three years, I felt the urge to make the cage more aesthetically pleasing. After searching Amazon, Home Depot, and Lowe's for the...
  6. Mendez

    A nutrient-rich traditional insect for improving food security and reducing biodiversity loss in Madagascar and sub-Saharan Africa "In Madagascar, native Z. tenebrosa: (a) can be easily, rapidly, and cheaply cultivated in remote communities with limited connection and infrastructure; (b) are a traditionally eaten food perceived as wild, 'natural,' clean...
  7. Mendez

    Trioceros Merumontanus Video P. Necas

    I love merumontanus, so whenever a new video or picture comes out, I'm watching it over and over again for weeks. Great video and information @PetNcs! I've heard rumors about merumontanus being a separate species from jacksonii for a while--nice to have this confirmed. Very cool to have them...
  8. Mendez

    Aspirated Water

    @kinyonga @Beman @ERKleRose or anyone else My Jacksons just aspirated water. I've been very careful in monitoring humidity over the past months so I never gave him a dripper. His eyes and poop looked perfect. Yesterday, just for the heck of it, I added the dripper again. Today he was trying to...
  9. Mendez

    Should we be focusing our basking bulbs directly under the UVB light?

    I was reading around on Reptiles Magazine about lighting and they state "UVB, UVA, visible light and heat go together. Because vitamin D3 synthesis in reptiles occurs only in warm skin exposed to UVB, ideally a UVB lamp needs to be over the basking area. Pairing the UVB source with the basking...
  10. Mendez

    Urgent!! Jackson's chameleon is Dark Brown, Gaping

    My Jackson's is about 9 months old now, at least I think, could be a little younger. But today I fed him a lot of Black Soldier Fly larvae and now he is super dark, almost black all over. Thought all those bsfl maybe upset his stomach and so fed him some dubias and he ate them turned green for a...
  11. Mendez

    With the Cold let there be Light

    Okay, so with the cold season coming, it is increasingly hard to keep a room between 70-75 degrees for my Jackson's chameleon. Instead of worrying about heating up my whole room, could I not just get a stronger heat source (halogen flood light) and suspend it at a greater distance which would...
  12. Mendez

    Pet store jackson's gravid??

    So there is this pet store that has a female Jackson's, and I'm curious to know whether or not she may be gravid. Her story is sad so far. From the first time I walked into the store, she seemed stressed as she was housed with a male Jackson's. After about a month, the male jackson's was sold...
  13. Mendez

    Jackson's Chameleon Basking All Day :(

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Jacksonii Xantholophus, male, approximately 4 months old, maybe a little older. He has been in my care for about 3 months. Handling - LOL, basically never. He is small and feels vulnerable around me, so I don’t force him to be held. Feeding - I have only...
  14. Mendez

    Petco Abuse

    Hello all, There's a Petco nearby my house that has two adult Jackson's chameleons, one male and one female housed together in a cage. The cage is wider than it is tall, has no hiding places, and the female is visibly stressed. I know that you are not supposed to house adult chameleons together...
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