Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Ambilobe Panther, 2 years old, I have had him for a year and a half
Handling - only to let him go to his outside enclosure, maybe once a day in summer, he doesn't mind and comes to me.
Feeding - Hornworms, superworms, black soldier flies, blue bottle flies...
Hi All, it's been a minute since I posted!! due to all this virus crap I have been working from home, so I have had to move Ripley and ALL his stuff into my house, so that was a chore (note to self, make enclosure lighter o_O). He is all happy now in my home office and he gets to go outside...
I got some smaller discoid roaches about a month ago and put them in Ripley's feeding cup, there were about 6. All this time I thought he ate them, BUT apparently at least 3 of them (maybe more) escaped and I discovered them in his enclosure MUCH BIGGER than they were and they now have wings...
does anyone know if the high calcium content transfers over to the flies once they pupate? I cannot get Ripley to eat the larva at all, he just looks at them and walks away. He LOVES the flies though, problem is that I just toss the larva in my bioactive enclosure, after he ignores them in his...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Ambilobe Panter, about 6 months old, I have had him about 3 months
Handling - Not much but lately he has been coming to the door of the cage more often and will sit on my hand for a bit.
Feeding - Crickets are his fave, I have added silk worms (currently...
I just purchased the Jungle Dawn spot light because with Ripley's new enclosure the lower plants aren't getting much light, I am waiting on the quad fixture with the arcadia 12% to come back into stock on LightYourReptiles so I can upgrade my linear fixture. I have been talking back and forth...
So I have had some BSFL for over a month now and they just will not turn into flies!! What am I doing wrong? they are at room temperature and they are all still alive, they are in some organic mixture and I put a slice of apple or mango in every now and then and they strip it down to the peel...
OMG!! I’m going broke!! I have started compiling things for Ripley’s new larger enclosure! . But just LOOK at this amazing piece of driftwood I ordered off Etsy!!! ❤️❤️❤️
What the heck is he doing? At first I thought he was drinking water but he keeps biting this vine and will literally shake his head, should I be concerned? Is he trying to eat it?? I thought panthers didn’t eat vegetation I’ve never seen him do this.
So I ordered some blue bottle spikes but they took four days to get here (my postal service sucks) and apparently they have ALL pupated due to the warmer temps here lately. So what the heck do I do now? I really don’t relish the thought of 150 flys!! I heard you can put them in the fridge to...
so I got some super worms for Ripley, he seems to like them, however one of the little buggers got away from him and has now burrowed into some of my Great Stuff!!! I can hear it gnawing away AHHHH, has anyone had this issue, what the heck is it going to do, turn into a beetle in there?? I...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Ambilobe Panther, 4-5 months, I have had him four weeks
Handling - Rarely, he eats from my hand but only got on my hand twice.
Feeding - Mainly crickets, (he hasn't taken to BSFL or hornworms yet, have some super worms and blue bottle spikes coming to try)...
managed to get little Ripley on my fingers today!!! not sure he was super happy about it but I rewarded him with three crickets after he was back in his cage (he wouldn't even look at them when he was on my fingers) so maybe he figured it wasn't so bad!! Starting to show some colors!!! So excited!