Hello all.
SWFL Cham family here. We have 6 Veiled Chams (2 girls and 4 boys). We also have other cricket loving animals, that is why we get 1000 every 2 weeks.
We are looking for ideas on how to keep large amounts of crickets. With the heat down here, we typically keep them in the lanai. We...
This little guy is from an early summer 2022 clutch. He used to be bright green but has changed to this pale brown for a few weeks now. I’ve searched to no avail for explanations so I figured I’d ask here.
Thanks for any insight and guidance you can provide.
Previously displayed color for...
Hey all, I’ve got a female baby veiled (7 months old) that seems to have a strangled shed on her tail. She just recently finished her shed and this doesn’t seem to be getting better… what can we do to prevent her tail from further damage?
We have about 15 baby veileds we need to rehome near Venice, Florida. Local pick up only. We really want to do right by these babies so only want then to go to homes that know how to care for them.
The clutch of 27 started hatching May 8th. Really want them relocated by the end of June. By then...
Hello!! Meet Star, our newest wild caught rescue. We received her on Friday October 22 and noticed right away she is likely female and possibly Gravid. Eek!!!
We recently and sadly lost our first female rescue after she dropped 27 eggs. That’s another thread tho.
We have moved Star to her new...
Just wanted to add our little girl to the list.
We acquired her on September 13th as a wild rescued Veiled in Ft Meyers. She was thought to have been a male, but much to our surprise she was a gravid female!
We are about to dig up her clutch to find out how many possible babies she left...
Hello all,
First time posting. We rescued a wild veiled on September 13th. (She and another were procured from the Ft Meyers area.
Not new to the Cham world, we have two captive bred panthers. So their supplements are on point. We keep them outside, monitoring the heat of course and provide...