I’ve struggled this winter with my preferred method of cricket supply (mentioned in this thread). With support from this forum I’ve decided to take the plunge and breed crickets at home for our Cham. I’ll document my trials and tribulations in this thread. Wish me luck!
Posting this thread to discuss best options for a reliable supply of feeders for chameleons. I’m not a huge fan of breeding insects and love the idea of auto delivery. However, there have been multiple occasions where the feeders (banded crickets) arrive DOA. I live near Chicago and weather...
Hello Forum Family!
My family recently went on holiday for a couple of weeks and left our cham in the care of a relative. We left a detailed care sheet, to ensure husbandry was as much the same as when we are home. As much as I can tell, the care was good. However, a couple of days back...
Sharing my DIY enclosure adventure!!
From my previous thread, I researched the types of material, availability and cost. I wanted an easy to build and STURDY enclosure for our soon to be Panther Cham family member. I’ve decided to create an 8020 Quick Frame enclosure. The material is rigid...
Hello Forum! I've been stalking this forum for several months now, prepping for chameleon husbandry. Lot's of great information is available to get my family started on this journey!
First up, the enclosure. We were planning on a 4x2x4 enclosure, specifically the Dragon Strand Hybrid...