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  1. Clementine

    Darwin got an upgrade!

    I decided to move out of the baby bin and to the 16x16x30 setup I originally bought for him, He has a 24x24x48 Dragon Strand for when he’s bigger. Setup: - ZooMed Repribreeze 16x16x30 - MistKing Mister - Drangon Strand Dragon Ledges and Hydration Mount - Arcadia 6% UVB, Jungle Dawn LED -...
  2. Clementine

    Introducing Darwin (baby cham!)

    Here is Darwin, my 10–wk old baby Rainbow Jackson’s. Doing his (?) best stick impression. I just got this little one tonight - currently residing in a baby bin until we’re a bit bigger. The sticks are big, looking for smaller ones. Hopefully the vines will work for now! I tried to give lots...
  3. Clementine

    Anyone in the PNW?

    If so - where do you find branches for your enclosures?
  4. Clementine

    I might’ve slightly overestimated on sticks.

    On the plus side, they can go in the adult enclosure. 🤣 (Ft. a scrub sponge that has been through it, but is still smiling)
  5. Clementine

    Hatchling Rainbow Jackson’s

    Hi all, New member and poster, so please be patient with me. I agreed to take a hatchling Rainbow Jackson’s from a coworker who had a surprise litter. I have read all the things I can find, but I’m having trouble figuring out what I need differently for a young cham setup vs the things I’ve...
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