Introducing Glaz, he recently actually let me start holding him and he super energetic. Not too long ago he was super mean and I suspected he was sick but I found out he was just finding weird ways to sleep. This is him now and he is a little on the darker side right now because he saw another...
Hey, I woke up today to my chameleon lifting his head in the air while he is sleeping. Weird thing is that I haven’t seen him do it as he is awake. When I wake him up he stands normally and walks around his cage normally. I do give him some light with UVB that came with the mesh cage and the...
Hey yall, this is my first time posting something so please excuse my mistakes. I have a veiled chameleon named Glaz named after a Rainbow Six Siege operator and he is pretty cool. I am struggling very hard though for him to get used to me. The only time he hasn’t hissed or bit me was since the...