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  1. littlefoot3

    Comment by 'littlefoot3' in '5 Days Until the Love of my Life'

    Certainly! I posted enclosure pics awhile back in the enclosure thread, I've since moved around a little bit of the foliage to make an area in the back for him in the shade. There are are also gauges in there, they just didn't get in...
  2. littlefoot3

    The Arrival!

    Derp made it to Louisiana safe and sound today! He's been quite the delight so far. I had him shipped to my parents' house since my apartment complex has a problem with losing packages, I unboxed him there and let him ride home with me in a small bird carrier. He decided he was going to hang...
  3. littlefoot3

    littlefoot3's Blog

  4. 5 Days Until the Love of my Life

    5 Days Until the Love of my Life

    Like many others on here, I'm hoping to keep a blog to document my sweet little baby as he grows. His arrival date is set for the morning of August 20th. I couldn't be more beside myself with excitement and anxiety (the good kind). The Chameleon Farm will always receive glowing recommendations...
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