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  1. T

    Custom Enclosure Ideas

    Ok so Ive finally decided the type of Chameleon to get. Im going to get a male Veiled Chameleon. Im starting him off in a 24''X24''X36'' cage. But I have an idea for a custom cage and I would like some advice. Ok so the cage i have in mind is going to be 9' total height. One foot of that is...
  2. T

    Getting a Chameleon :D

    Well Ive looked at alot and read alot. Nothing against Jacksons I just dont care for the horns lol. I think Ive narrowed it down to 2. Either a Veiled or an ambilobe. Now I just have to talk to the local pet store. They get all their reptiles straight from a breeder so I know they are trust...
  3. T

    Getting a Chameleon :D

    Ok so for my 18 birthday my parents are getting me a Chameleon. I was just hoping for some advice on what kind to get. Any input would be greatly appreciated. :D
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