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  1. Mucky_Waters

    removing excess water from tank

    Marxous I see you keep fish tanks, some very large ones at that. It was after years experience myself of keeping fish tanks and terrariums with mixed species that lead me to the idea of building my chameleon enclosure the way I did. Rather than trying to mop up or drain away excess water from...
  2. Mucky_Waters

    He Hissed At Me

    Often when people see my chameleon they ask if they can hold him. Rather than just saying no, I turn up the volume on the big screen TV and show them this video and tell them that he does bite sometimes and ask them if they still want to hold him, the answer is inevitably "no thanks". LOL The...
  3. Mucky_Waters

    screen cage/glass cage

    Actually I posted a thread a while back about my successful enclosure that uses a glass aquarium and circulating water filtration system in the lower part, but unfortunately a idiotic forum member jumped in and ruined the thread. My chameleon is healthy and happy and even though I live in a...
  4. Mucky_Waters

    distilled water

    Sorry Brad, but that bit of information is just plain incorrect. Here are a couple quotes taken directly off the FDA web site about bottled water, " Bottlers of all types of waters typically use ozone gas, an antimicrobial agent, to disinfect the water instead of chlorine, since chlorine...
  5. Mucky_Waters

    New to Chameleons, and heres my enclosusre build

    Well said Brad, but please don't think that I was referring to anything thing you said as being dogmatic, in fact the main reason I jumped it to this thread was to praise your (and Tygrre's) response. Notice I had to point to another thread for an example of the kind of dogmatism I was referring...
  6. Mucky_Waters

    New to Chameleons, and heres my enclosusre build

    Taro I applaud your efforts. As I applaud those of Brad and Tygerr, who may not totally agree with your set up, have not gone to the point of insulting you as some in this forum seem to be incline to do. Rather they have taken the time and effort to explain what short comings they see in your...
  7. Mucky_Waters

    Anyone have videos?

  8. Mucky_Waters

    My Chameleon/Terrarium Enclosure

    OK then. I guess it's safe to say this IS NOT a forum geared for the free interchange of ideas in a friendly and courteous environment. Sorry, my mistake. :p
  9. Mucky_Waters

    My Chameleon/Terrarium Enclosure

    Chameleons are pets, and much like dogs or cats there are multitude of ways of caring for them. Some people only keep their pets inside the house, some only keep them outside and never let them go inside, some even keep them in cages, some feed them dry food, some only canned food, some bath...
  10. Mucky_Waters

    My Chameleon/Terrarium Enclosure

    I'm sorry Heika, but I definitely am not a troll and it was insulting of you to insinuate that for no reason. I simply explained my setup as I was asked by another forum member and answered, or rather, re-answered the questions that Chameleonstree asked. Your insinuating that I am a troll with...
  11. Mucky_Waters

    My Chameleon/Terrarium Enclosure

    ChameleonsTree it seems strange that you would ask questions that are already answered in my post????? But here goes... No there is no "standing" water in there. It is circulated, filtered water. And to take a quote right out of my post Any other questions? Opps, forgot the middle...
  12. Mucky_Waters

    My Chameleon/Terrarium Enclosure

    Scooter4n saw a picture of my chameleon enclosure in the gallery and sent me a private message commenting on it and asked "can you please tell us about it with more details??". So, rather than just reply privately to (him?) I thought it would be better to reply by way of a thread in the...
  13. Basking Area

    Basking Area

  14. Cham Enclosure

    Cham Enclosure

  15. Member Album by Mucky_Waters

    Member Album by Mucky_Waters

  16. Mucky_Waters

    Holding my new Chameleon

    LOL That's a question I get asked all the time when ever I take my veiled chameleon out and show him off to company. With all that noise and aggressive posturing, its a pretty logical question. Problem is I could never say for certainty that he would because he had never bit me, and even if he...
  17. Mucky_Waters

    My brand new Pygmy Chameleon enclosure!

    Congrats on your new pigmy tribe. How about taking a picture with one or two in you hand so we can get an idea of their real size. It's hard to tell from your photos. In fact they kind of look a lot larger than what I expected them to be. And yeah a couple of them look downright plump. Oh and...
  18. Mucky_Waters

    Anyone have videos?

    Thanks for the welcome and the nice comments. Binary the HD video camera I have is a Sony HDR-HC1, it cost me about $2,000 CND. Sony has discontinued this camera already and released a newer model, the HDR-HC3. The HDR-HC3 can produce the same quality HD video and can be bought for about...
  19. Mucky_Waters


    Never say never. I have had a Fire bellied Toad living in the same enclosure as my Veiled Chameleon since I had my Chameleon. Over a year now and absolutely no problems. Likely my unique enclosure is what has allowed the toad and chameleon to live in relative harmony together for so long.
  20. Mucky_Waters

    favorite: Panther vs Veiled

    That's really sad. :( It doesn't sound good at all, I sure hope the poor guy pulls through. He really is a handsome devil.
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